Deus Ex: Invisible War Review

Wicked Toast has tossed up a review of Deus Ex: Invisible War, giving the game an overall score of 4/5. An excerpt:

Another word on incompleteness – it feels as if a lot of things were cut from the full game; there are books and data cubes about things that never appear in the game; the few so-called “unique weapons” don’t even have different models from the standard, several quests end in ways that are extremely disappointing (even when it’s so obvious what should have been done) and finally, the characters are very, very flat. Whereas in the first game I had an attachment to Dr. Reyes, Alex Jacobson and the rest of the “crew” – and was positively terrified of Hermann and Navarre, there were simply no characters in IW that were as individual. Most of the “story” characters are good at spouting platitudes, but little else – I ended up mainly not caring, for whatever reason.

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