Deus Ex: Invisible War Developer Diaries

Two new Deus Ex: Invisible War developer diaries have shown up at IGN PC – one written by Warren Spector and the other by Chris Carollo. They’re both put into one article, though, with these paragraphs finishing them off:

Fundamentally (and not to sound like a broken record), we WANTED to offer players the same game on both platforms. We embraced the limitations of the Xbox, focused on the player experience and, yes, made some compromises. In the process, I think we made a game — for both platforms — that offers players more freedom than ever before, more opportunities to create their own, unique experiences, more options to customize their characters and their story… More, in other words, of everything that’s central to the Deus Ex experience.

By the time you read this, the game will be out and you can determine for yourself if the compromises we made (on Xbox and PC) were worth the tradeoffs required. But (and now I’m talking to the PC players out there) do me a favor and download our patch before you pass judgment!

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