Deus Ex: Human Revolution The Missing Link DLC Reviews

We have rounded up a new batch of reviews for the first DLC released for Eidos Montreal’s prequel to Ion Storm’s masterpiece Deus Ex, and they all fall on the favorable side, although some are a little less enthused than others.

VideoGame Writers, 3.5/5.

Priced at $14.99/1200MSP, it seems a little pricey for those who thought the game was merely okay. For those of you who played DX:HR and loved it, (The Missing Link) serves as a second helping of the original experience. When you’re talking about a game that is in my top-5 experiences of the year, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

God Is A Geek, 7/10.

Were The Missing Link a level in Human Revolution, it would have ranked as a high point, but as a standalone title for a high cost, it’s slightly lacking. There’s nothing pardon the pun revolutionary about it, and it’s a shame that Eidos Montreal weren’t more experimental, perhaps giving fans another character to play with and thus another perspective on Deus Ex’s magnificent world. The bugs, whilst minor, break the game’s precious immersion, and are difficult to forgive in a title so expensive.

But with that in mind, everything that players loved about Human Revolution is present here. There’s a solid plot told through dialogue, (e-mails) and environments, the gameplay is solid and there aren’t any dreadful boss fights. If you loved Human Revolution and don’t mind a low time-to-cost ratio, there are many worse ways to spend an afternoon.

Hardware Heaven, 85/100.

In short, The Missing Link spends a great deal of time going over the same game area and reinforcing the conspiracy theory plot. Having said that The Missing Link is tense and exciting with a lot to like and interestingly notable aspect is the boss fight. It gel’s much better into the plot and setup than any of those found in the main game and allows the player to take down the final big bad in a variety of ways that best suit the players style.

Overall an expansion that feels like a deleted scene, at £8.99 though a good purchase for fans of Human Revolution.

PS3Attitude, scoreless.

The story involved in the Missing Link doesn’t provide too many new answers although it gives context to some of the encounters in Human Revolution. Like an episode of Lost, it also creates more questions than it does answer them. There are plenty of mysterious characters, such as the person helping you throughout the mission. At $15, The Missing Link does feel a tad bit expensive, but for Deus Ex fans, it’ll provide a hefty amount of content and leave you wanting more.

Push-Start, 3.0/5.

The bottom line is that if your looking for another 4 hours of Human Revolution to enjoy you will find it within The Missing Link, but due to the minor gripes and arguably steep asking price I can’t call it an essential purchase.

To conclude, GameTrailers has one of their video review pods, 7.9/10.

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