Deus Ex: Human Revolution The Missing Link DLC Interview

Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s first set of DLC is the topic of conversation in this new three-page interview with producer Marce-Andre Dufort over at Eurogamer. Topics include the visual enhancements they’re making, the single new weapon they’re introducing, how the new boss fight will be adapted to your play style, and more.

Eurogamer: You’ve mentioned the DLC is five hours. That’s quite beefy for DLC.

Marce-Andre Dufort: It depends on how you play. You know, with the main game, some people have finished it in 20 hours, others in 50, 60 hours. During the play tests here, the average amount of time was about five hours.

Eurogamer: Does the DLC introduce any new types of gameplay?

Marce-Andre Dufort: We have some new challenges. We have a new kind of turret. We have a boss battle at the end, but it’s different from the main game boss battles.

Eurogamer: How is it different?

Marce-Andre Dufort: You can actually not kill the boss. You can do a non-lethal takedown on him. And you can kill him from afar. You can even kill him without him seeing you. It’s more of a bigger challenge than a standard boss fight like we have in many games. It takes place near the end. The DLC doesn’t end at the boss fight, but it’s near the end.

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