Deus Ex: Human Revolution Previews

Living up to the Deus Ex legacy is a pretty massive undertaking, so it’s understandable that many of you would like to read as many previews as possible about Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and we bring to you a new batch of hands-on impressions.

GamersMint has a brief piece based on their experience with the game

Probably the biggest change in the formula is recharging health, which drastically changes the way you tackle the game. It certainly relieves a hell of a lot of pressure in-between gunfights, ensuring that you’re bound to recover. You can now view down the iron sights of a gun and also blind fire around corners.. Make no mistake, Human Revolution is unforgiving at times. All the enemies will swarm in on you and flank you as soon as any one of them are alerted. Just like the original, ammo is scarce and a few blind fire rounds will be your death. Clinging to the same spot for cover, hoping to pick them out on at a time is suicide, even with the recharging health, providing some intense fire fights that even exceed those found in most FPS’s.

A few minutes into the first mission (excluding the prologue), and it’s evident that the developers have placed a greater emphasis on stealth. Extra experience is awarded after the completion of each objective if the player has accomplished certain stealth feats such as not setting off a single alarm or not being seen by a single guard. And every single one of these experience points is crucial for character progression. No such experience is awarded for making your trigger finger happy. The cover system employed works flawlessly, proving even more useful in stealth than combat.

While GameSpot has one of their “Questionarium” video features, where they answer their readers’ questions after some hands-on time with the game.

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