Deus Ex: Human Revolution Previews and Video Interview

When you’re finished watching an unusually excited Spoony interview Deus Ex: Human Revolution lead writer Mary DeMarle at this month’s E3, you’ll want to check out three more previews for the cyberpunk prequel that have recently made their way to the Internet.


With most of the guards concentrating on the staircase I could slip downstairs the back way, go along the side of the room and sneak in the door. One lone guard stood in my way before I used a Takedown, this time I tranquilised him. I aimed for him to drop behind the panels where I wanted to sneak, but he pissed me off by falling right in the view of two other PF members.

Fortunately they were too busy rummaging through paperwork, so I carefully snuck over and pulled the unconscious terrorist out of view. They didn’t notice, phew. I then carried out my meticulously-strategized plan. Crouching behind the panels I made my way along the office towards the door. Unfortunately for me I’d overlooked one crucial detail: the guard on the higher level, who I’d ignored earlier and who was resting against the bannister overseeing the entire office. With a clear view of the sunglasses-wearing augmented intruder sneaking about, all hell broke loose.


Jean-Francis also fills us in on the concept of the black and gold art style in the game. He explains how it came from references when they were researching the technology that kept leading them back to the Renaissance era and how it gave them the idea of merging this with the futuristic world of Deus Ex. The black and gold is used as an analogy of kindles back in the Renaissance era which were used to light rooms and gave off an orange glow, reflecting the good side of augmentation and the black referring to the dark side of this technology.

Characters homes and their dress style are dependent on whether they support, oppose or are neutral to these new technologies. Those in support will have a more Renaissance style theme and those who oppose or neutral will look more present-day in the Deux Ex universe.

And Bone-idle:

Adam starts the game with some of the augmentations already installed these include (Single Takedown, IFF, Retinal Prosthesis, basic hacking ability and the Infolink). (Not that that clears much up) but one new feature I have a little more information on is called the (Icarus Landing System). This is an implant placed in the characters lower back. This device has a descent sensor built in and once activated creates an electromagnetic field around the character which slows his fall, meaning the player can drop from high distances without coming to much harm. This is the kind of thing to expect.

Lots of the features from the previous games have been retained, Adam will have to do a lot of reading. No ATM’s this time but there are e-books and plain old newspapers. Players will still have to manage their inventories, these can be increased by investing in them but players will still find themselves faced with difficult choices about what to discard.

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