Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

The UK division of Yahoo! Games has cranked out a preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, though it really doesn’t cover any new ground for those of you who have been following the game since its announcement. An excerpt:

Role-playing undertones affect the development of Adam Jensen, who’ll eventually embody your traits as a player. Experience points are used to boost the four key areas mentioned above, leading to shortcuts that require a physical or mental advantage. The ability to hack into a machine to take control is one such boon, simply being able to carry a monstrous crate to serve as a step-up over a fence is another. The latter comes in handy during a Detroit docklands scene that finds Jensen hard-pressed to avoid killing multiple foes, preferring to take down a couple of targets by breaking their arms before spiking them with blades concealed in his cybernetic forearms.

Whereas hacking and skill augmentation were the capital draw of the original ‘˜Deus Ex’ on PC, it will be action set-pieces that are first in mind for thrill seekers on PlayStation and Xbox. Jensen is seen to burst through a glass ceiling, descending to perform a shockwave area attack culminating in a spray of deadly projectiles. It’s an awesome way to improve your odds against a warehouse full of armed guards, and a chance to appreciate how closely videogames now challenge Hollywood in terms of special effects. Jensen can move in on targets using a ‘˜Predators’ style invisibility cloak, before unleashing a Jason Bourne like combo of Krav Maga punches and kicks to render the victim unconscious in seconds. There are said to be several dozens of take-downs in ‘˜Deus Ex: Human Revolution’, not all of them lethal.

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