Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

CVG is offering up a brief preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which primarily serves as a refresher of the prequel’s premise rather than provide any substantial new info. A few cherry-picked paragraphs:

Set in 2027, a quarter of a century before the original, the winding narrative concerns itself with the classic man-as-machine musings – with mechanical-human augmentation fever sweeping ultra-modern Planet Earth. We’ve got the traditional shady mega-corporation without which few games can cope these days (in this case, Sarif Industries), a brave but brittle resistance movement (the Humanity Front) and some poor sap caught in the middle of it all (our hero, Adam Jensen).

Find an informer and pump him for the location of a secret entrance? Yes, that certainly sounds promising. What about getting insanely tooled up and swanning in all-guns blazing? We like your style. Swim in via the sewers? Eurgh, frankly. Hack into the mainframe, get all those turret bots on your side while opening up all the doors? Now you’re really talking. Human Revolution’s scenarios are never quite as cut and-dried as that though, and mostly you’ll need to combine all Adam’s natural and bolted-on talents to make any headway in the game.

There are some neat ideas too – augs like X-Ray vision (think grabbing foes through walls), skin-grafted Claymore mines and bungee-style death leaps (which demonstrate genuinely inventive thinking on the part of the team), sit alongside the usual raft of machine pistols and sniper rifles. There are also thousands of created-especially-for-the-game brands and items to help fashion a convincing illusion of a genuine near-future society, testament to a project that’s already been in development for more than three years.

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