Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution has received the preview treatment over at GameZone, though it’s tough to tell which gameplay demonstration this particular (short and somewhat generic) article is based on.

The first noticeable thing about Human Revolution from our gameplay demo is how gorgeous the world looks. The re-imagined world is darker than ever before, but it has all the glistening and high-textured images for you to drool over. It’s not Rage, and it’s not Crysis 2, but it’s certainly eye-candy nevertheless. Mega-cities, air cars, and enough techno-geek visuals will appease all but the most critical gamers, and even they will come to appreciate the cold, dark new world.

Human Revolution is all about player choice, as the developers told us during our demo of the game. There are four basic strategy groups: combat, stealth, tech, and social. As with prior Deus Ex titles, it’s possible to play through the entire campaign without killing a single person or fighting a single boss. Augmentations, another cornerstone of the franchise, supplement the physical abilities of less socially inclined players. Then again, with the augmentations and a large world to interact with, it may be more fun to let the new shiny metallic arms do the talking.

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