Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Just in case you were holding out for another preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution before starting your weekend, you’re in luck. Big Download has officially joined the fray:

So all of this interaction with NPCs along with the stealth gameplay design was cool enough but the second part of the demo showed off how the game handles combat. Again, Jensen can charge in but in this demo he decided to sneak into a warehouse to find out more about what’s going on with this hacker. However the shooting and the killing were not far behind as Jensen demonstrated a variety of ways to kill the unsuspecting guards.

These attacks include jumping down from the rafters and releasing some grenade-type weapons to take out a circle of foes. First person shooting is of course part of the game but you can also use some special items like thermal imaging to see enemies that are hidden behind walls. When you have to take cover the game switches over to a third person viewpoint to give you a better look at where you are. The E3 2010 demo ended on a bit of a cliffhanger as a much bigger and smarter than your average red shirt guard showed up to attack Jensen. There’s seems to be a bit of a history between them and the demo ended with the bad guy’s mechanical arm morphing into a really, really big gun.

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