Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

CVG has published the first part of an in-depth preview which should cover the first 10 hours of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. In case you’re worried about spoilers you should avoid the article, otherwise this is a really worthy read despite not containing much new information. Here’s our customary sampling:

Jensen ventures deeper into the plant, learning a thing or two about bypassing security cameras along the way. He finds a Praxis kit – gold dust in Human Revolution’s world. Earning a single Praxis point through the usual Experience method means a lot of exploring, sneaking, and hard work. A Praxis kit is an instant level up. Jensen opts for a battery upgrade – not sexy, but it’s an extra takedown when he needs it most, or a few extra seconds of optical camouflage when he buys that augmentation later in the game.

Jensen walks in on an antiaug terrorist hooked up to Sarif’s computer systems via a set of skull augmentations of his own. Wait. What? Before Jensen can act, the hacker shoots himself in the head. With the Typhoon system secured , Jensen is ordered onwards to the plant’s offices where he meets Sanders, who is holding a gun to Josie Thorpe’s head.

Knowing it could go bad, Jensen talks Sanders down. He appeals to Sanders’ honour as a former veteran, and when Sanders insults him he hits back hard – crushing the terrorist leader and calling him a fool. Sanders’ group had been infiltrated by an augmented agent and that agent was counting on Sanders’ death. Conversational warfare is frequent in Human Revolution. People shift between Alpha patterns – confident with the strength to back it up, Beta patterns (weak and they know it), and Omega (all talk and bluster without anything to back up their big words).

The right aug will reveal the most appropriate responses, but it’s early days and Jensen doesn’t have it. Instead, he watches the man’s eyes and body language, and puts Sanders down when he gets uppity. The former soldier knows he’s been played for a fool and escapes, leaving Josie alive and in Jensen’s custody. All in all it was a quick and neat mission.

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