Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution continues to be the subject of E3 previews around the web, and this time it’s AtomicGamer providing us with the reading material.

There’s a global conspiracy going on here, one centered around a particular discovery that Sarif Industries had made and was about to go public with, so those looking for big crazy conspiracies like in the original Deus Ex will not go away unhappy; from what I gather, this worldwide search Jensen is undertaking will lead him to far more than a bit of high-tech corporate espionage. We got a taste of it in this E3 demo, and while Jensen had many choices for infiltrating this company’s facility – bribe the front desk guy, sneak through some vents and use cloaking to hide from guards, hack the security, find a high ledge to jump to, things like that – the paths that were taken in E3 did a good job of showcasing all types of infiltration. You’ll get experience points that go towards a type of leveling up, all of which fuel Praxis Points that allow you to add new augmentations and then upgrade them.

And there are plenty of augs you can eventually choose from, far more than players had in the original Deus Ex. You can become nearly omniscient when it comes to enemy guards and soldiers, knowing where they are, what they’re doing, and what they can see. You can become a master of stealth, making silent landings from high jumps, cloaking to make yourself nearly invisible to cameras, people, and even laser detection fields. You can beef up your combat abilities by eliminating recoil, carrying an arsenal of weapons in your expanded inventory, and allow yourself to take massive damage without too much of an issue. And you can become a tech expert that can unlock any door and bust through any computer security in only a few seconds. One difference is that unlike the original Deus Ex, choosing augmentations here doesn’t lock out others that would otherwise go in the same slot. You’re going to have a limited number of Praxis points to use, but now the whole thing will be available to you no matter what you’ve already chosen.

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