Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

In case you’re feeling confused about this title, the editors at Mash The Pad have put up a preview that quickly summarizes what we know about it so far.

Due to the augmentations Jensen has a whole host of abilities that normal humans do not, including strength- and stealth-based powers. When the player utilises these powers it drains a battery which can only be replenished by packs that are strewn throughout the game world and this caveat adds a lot of strategy to power usage. Instead of running into a room and using the power in order to increase abilities to take down enemies the player could instead use stealth to sneak through the room. However if the player tries both of these things at the same time Jensen’s battery will be drained very fast and could run out in the middle of a fight. The shooting mechanics in the game are good, but aren’t as powerful as most shooting games due to the developers desire to induce a very strategic form of play rather than the usual run-and-gun mechanics that exist in modern day shooters.

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