Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Eidos Montreal’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been treated to yet another preview, and this time it’s the folks over at Gamer Gaia supplying the words. A sampling on stealth, customization, and the game’s social elements:

The stealth play in Human Revolution offers a few more options than the straight forward combat, too. Stealth allows players to sneak past and around enemies in most scenarios, and often find new and hidden paths around the levels, sometimes even to hidden items or objects which are greatly assist in your missions. Jensen is also capable of rather brutal stealth kills and takedowns. Almost all elements of the combat and stealth can be enhanced and upgraded, furthering the feel for freedom and catering to individual gamers’ play styles.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution features very meaty customisation options to both play and player via the games in-game technology standpoint. Players are able to focus on key aspects of how they play and upgrade accordingly, or simply build an all-round character capable of adapting to any situation. The customisation lends itself to both gameplay and story, given the featured themes of the moral and ethical views on augmentation. A lot of the upgrades and abilities you can gain also open up new options for the player in the game itself. For example, buy strength upgrades and you could find you are now able to push a large crate or box that was previously unmovable, giving way to further new areas and even more possibilities.

The last pillar of play is the social aspect of Human Revolution. Of course, this option is not available all the time, but it does allow some of the more unique choices. Jensen is capable of interacting with anyone who’s not currently trying to blow his brains out, and can sweet talk, threaten and persuade his way past guards, receptionists and generally chat information right out of anyone willing to lend an ear to him. Like any good RPG, it’s not that easy or straight forward though. Certain speech options require certain skills, and there is always the chance the person won’t humour your linguistics and turn you away on the spot. Whether you try or not, though, is completely up to you.

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