Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Should you find yourself craving some more Deus Ex: Human Revolution reading material, this new preview on Player Affinity should do the trick. The article doesn’t appear to be based on any hands-on time, though:

The core of the game revolves around the transcendental aspects of augmentation, recalling the initial autopsies of the renaissance era; this is emphasized by the similar clothing and architectural styles used by those embracing the changes. However, those that protest augmentations are dressed in a more contemporary style and represent a wish to maintain the status quo.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution has had a variety of teaser material released, including several incarnations of trailers, developer interviews and even a few playthoughs emphasizing the multiple possibilities to resolve situations, such as the first level and a more advanced mission in which the player must ascertain the location of a hostage and proceed to implement his rescue. From a first glance, it appears that the majority of the problems identified from Invisible War have been reverted, including a full grid-based inventory system, multiple ammunition types and much more interactivity with the environment. Computer hacking has become a full-fledged endeavor, with computer terminals linking the player with a grid of nodes that have to be unlocked in sequence to utilize particular end-nodes that provide benefits, be it security control or background info (i.e. logs, emails or notes).

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