Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

The editors at Hooked Gamers have conjured up a three-page preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the contents of which appear to be based on the same hands-off demonstration that other sites have covered recently.

The second approach demonstrated was a social one in which the player attempted to persuade his way into the morgue. The player had Jensen approach the front desk and begin a conversation with Sergeant Haas – a man whom Jensen had served with on the force several years previous. The conversation involved various passive and aggressive actions. At times Jensen reminisced with Haas and at other times he countered Haas’ questions, but eventually the conversation led to Haas giving Adam access to the rest of the building. This approach also allowed the player to learn about new pieces of information that would have been missed if another approach had been taken. The coroner in the morgue even offered up a full autopsy report to aid the player, something that was otherwise unavailable.

The third way of going about the objective involved the use of stealth. Instead of heading back past the front desk, the player had Jensen leave the station and go around the back of it. Here they climbed over a fence and sneaked past a few armed guards in order to reach a ladder that allowed them access to the upper floors. While on the upper level the player hacked into a couple of computers to gain access to private memos and emails. Utilizing the cloaking ability they also gained access to high traffic areas. Confronted with a security door Jensen silently approached a guard and executed a non-lethal takedown. Jensen then used the guard to bypass the door. After hiding the body and gaining access to the corpse in the morgue, he exited the building through a sewer entrance.

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