Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

The folks at OXM were able to sit in on a firsthand demonstration of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and have since wrangled up this six-paragraph preview. Pretty much more of the same in this article, but that’s certainly not a bad thing:

Similarly helpful is the weapon upgrade system, which allows you to buy add-ons such as exploding rounds for your pistol. More interesting is a method that relies on social skills. Jensen can often persuade his way into places if he plays his cards right. The conversation system is based on reading a character’s expressions and tone. You’ll have options such as ‘Plead’, ‘Absolve’ and ‘Crush’, and it’s about picking the right one at the right moment. If you’re totally socially inept, there’s an augmentation that reads reactions based on sweat levels and pupil dilation, and nudges you in the right direction. The police station has a totally different vibe if you’re meant to be there, and you can stay and eavesdrop for as long as you like. Wander down to the morgue and, one case of mistaken identity later, you’ve got the chip.

The final route is more traditional stealth. There are multiple routes in, including a rooftop entrance and access via the sewers, and by avoiding being seen by cops and cameras you can sneak all the way to the morgue. There’s a selection of non-lethal takedowns and weaponry, including a Minority Report-style shockwave stun gun, and the team promises you’ll be able to complete the entire game without offing anyone.

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