Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Joystiq brings us a brief preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, though it’s unclear which press demonstration the article is based upon. I suppose it doesn’t really matter, though, as they cover much of the same ground:

But what if you can’t convince your ex-partner to let you in the building? If you lock yourself out of the conversational route, you can always sneak in another way. There’s a back entrance you can reach, provided you have the strength augmentation that grants you the ability to move a heavy box. Jump atop the box, and you’ll make your way over a fence, to a ladder that lets you into the building. Of course, you’re not exactly welcome in the building, and it’s likely your dark trench coat and sunglasses-whilst-indoors look make you a conspicuous target. You’ll have to stay hidden from view, taking cover around corners, and using your cloak ability (provided, you bought the augmentation for your character).

Getting past the laser defense system before the body is a puzzle unto itself, and like the rest of the game, can be approached in multiple ways. In our demo, we saw Jensen crawling into the vents, jumping behind an unsuspecting guard and knocking him out. You’ll then be able to drag the body for identification, and the defense system will be tricked into letting you in. From there, you’ll be able to get the chip and run away unscathed.

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