Deus Ex: Human Revolution Interview

The official PlayStation blog offers a new article-style interview game director Jean-Francois Dugas and producer David Anfossi about the upcoming FPS/RPG, Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

But depending on your interpretation of Jensen, all that fancy firepower may be overkill. Sometimes all you need is a little stealth, a silver tongue, and the right social augmentations. (You can play the entire game without killing anyone, save for the boss fights,) Dugas confirms. (It makes for a more challenging experience, but it’s very rewarding.) Anfossi agrees: (We want players to create a personalized version of Jensen and decide his approach. Some players will think, ‘˜This guy wouldn’t kill these people.’) Whatever your approach lethal or nonlethal, aggression or stealth the game meticulously tracks your tactics and dishes out consequences accordingly. And you can be certain of one thing: there will be consequences.

(I’m most excited for players to simply absorb this world. It’s like reading a great graphic novel, a page-turner,) Dugas concludes. (It’s going to be the first game for Eidos Montreal,) Anfossi adds. (We want it to be perfect.) Concerned that you need to play the original games before delving into Human Revolution? Don’t be. (The hardcore fans are going to make the connections once they analyze the game,) Dugas clarified. (The new fans won’t feel left behind, though. This game stands on its own.)

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