Deus Ex: Human Revolution Interview, Part One

The first installment to GamerZines’ recent interview with Deus Ex: Human Revolution lead writer Mary DeMarle is now available, providing us with a total of four answered questions about the cyberpunk RPG.

GamerZines: Adam Jensen as a character is very driven, but all of his personality parameters are predefined from an RPG standpoint. How much can players mess around with his template?

MD: The way that I describe that aspect is that we created a very strong person in Adam who has his core values and the way he looks at life. But you are dealing with him in the unfolding present by the decisions you make and the actions you take, and that moulds his character. He will always stay true to his values, but you can decide how that core will manifest itself, so for instance in dialogue you may have a choice to play this person, Adam, as an asshole towards the people he meets – for want of a better word – or be nice and when you choose that he’ll do so in a fashion that is typical of his personality while reflecting what you wanted.

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