Deus Ex: Human Revolution Fan-powered Q&A, Continued

Eidos Montreal’s Frank Lapikas hasn’t tired of answering questions about Deus Ex: Human Revolution over at the game’s Tumblr page yet, so this time we hear about their inspiration for Hengsha, qualifications for an achievement, and whether he believes that Raymond Kurzweil’s predictions for the future are sound.  Any way you break it down, the future is scary:

Does hacking bots and making them shoot people go against the achievement for not killing anyone?


What was the inspiration for Hengsha?

(I believe the inspiration was twofold.

First was the desire to create a location that is visually striking.

The second was to explore just what a thriving corporation with too much money and manpower could accomplish.)

What’s your personal opinion on Transhumanism as it is proclaimed nowadays? (Brockman, Kurzweil etc.)

(Although the path laid out by Kurzweil may seem strange and somewhat scary, I personally believe it’s where we’re headed whether we like it or not.

I won’t speculate about the timeframe. Are we all going to be immortal in 50 years? I don’t know.

However, one thing is for sure, you can’t stop the human will to explore.

There will come a time when some people will get their perfectly functional limbs hacked off just so they can get cybernetic replacements.

We WILL have AIs that are smarter than us. We WILL see people that live exclusively inside virtual worlds.

Maybe it will be a good thing and maybe it will be the most terrible mistake we’ve ever made. All I know is that it WILL happen.

It’s human nature.

(If it’s possible, somebody will try it eventually.), is not an adage that applies only to porn.

I, for one, can’t wait to see what the future holds.)

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