Deus Ex 2 Preview

Many people considered the first an RPG. I’d have to agree in that respect, because though the game allowed for lots of action, most was, if you liked to play it this way, spent in subterfuge and in character with multiple paths to take for any given problem. Anyway, the sequel to the game that won more awards than there are Honda Civics in the world, called Deus Ex 2 was previewed by 3DAction Planet over the weekend. Expect no screenshots since none have been officially released, but a nice write-up on what’s known. Here’s a trinkle:

Deus Ex 2 (DE2, for short) will tentatively take place where Deus Ex left off, though how Ion plans to handle this will be interesting given the original’s three separate endings. It has been confirmed that the player will once again resume the role of J.C. Denton, though, so it only makes sense that DE2 will take place immediately after or close to the end of the original. Expect a return to the abundant urban environments of the original, though we never know what else Ion may throw in.

Lots more where that came from.

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