Desslock Talks Interplay

I missed this article on Friday, but fortunately I was made aware of it when browsing RPGPlanet. It’s another report by Desslock over at GameSpot, going into detail on where Interplay currently stands in the gaming industry: its successes (including BG2), its failures, its layoffs, the release of Trials of the Luremaster, and the cancellation of TORN. Here’s a taste:

    So we’ve seen a lot of excellent, “small” games from Interplay, such as Planescape Torment and Fallout. Unfortunately, we’ve also seen a lot of excellent games that should have been bigger commercial successes, but never found their target audiences, such as: FreeSpace 2; Starfleet Command 2; Giants – Citizen Kabuto and Sacrifice. Three of the best games released in 2000 were published by Interplay: Giants, Sacrifice and Baldur’s Gate II, and yet only BG2 enjoyed significant commercial success. Interplay has struggled financially as a result.
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