DeathSpank: The Baconing Reviews

We have another batch of reviews for The Baconing, the third and latest adventure of DeathSpank released so far, and judging by the press’ reaction, we’re either in a phase of DeathSpank-fatigue or this is the weakest title in Hothead Games’ series.

We kick off with a fairly positive review from EDGE, 7/10.

The Baconing largely forgoes any need for players to grind through armies of enemies in order to progress. Despite this, occasionally a difficulty spike will halt progression and even on the easiest setting some enemies will require perseverance and saintly calm to defeat. Combat still has occasional feedback problems but has undoubtedly been improved, if not overhauled. The biggest additions are the ability to charge projectiles meaning that your crossbow no longer borders on useless and, more excitingly, the ability to deflect ranged enemy attacks with a shield bash. Both minor changes, then, but for the first time in a DeathSpank title it feels like you can survive on skill alone, as opposed to swigging potions and fleeing.

Despite all this, there’s a weary cynicism to The Baconing the script is still amusing but the wordy humour has become so familiar that it’s in danger of being overlooked; the combat, while improved, is often the least enjoyable part of the game. The Baconing is undoubtedly a solid, entertaining addition to the series, but over-saturation has made this once brash and energetic adventure feel slightly predictable

NZGamer, 6.9/10.

However, if you want more DeathSpank, or if you haven’t tried him before, then The Baconing is old fashioned gaming with a comedic twist. But, if you’ve played the other games, don’t expect too much different. There’s a lot of bashing, a bit of grinding, a few deadly gummi bears, and some fairly innocuous toilet humour. But, what did you expect, it’s the hero of the down-trodden, the vanquisher of evil, and the wearer of the six mythical Thongs of Virtue, it’s DeathSpank.

Gamebreakers, 3/5.

When The Baconing is at its best it can shine, but the few good moments simply don’t make up for the tired quest system and uninspired combat. If you’re a fan of DeathSpank’s previous outings, you may find something to like here. Newcomers interested in a game with personality and a decent co-op experience could do worse, but the rest of us can find better ways to spend our time.

Push Square, 2/4.

If the series is to continue, it needs to evolve. The dialogue and humour is spot-on, but HotHead seems to have run out of ideas elsewhere. In upping The Baconing’s complexity, the developer’s lost some of the lazy charm that previous entries in the series exuded. That said: it’s still an enjoyable romp while it persists. It just could have been so much more.

Midlife Gamer, 6/10.

That’s much of The Baconing’s failings. While the dialogue and storyline is witty and expertly written, the actual gameplay behind such entertaining storytelling is a bit weak. Although that’s the strangest thing about The Baconing. Picking out the flaws is easy, but it’s still fun. It’s the perfect palate cleanser in fact, being the kind of game, much like Torchlight, that’s ideal to jump into for short doses in between heftier affairs and bigger retail releases. It’s difficult to recommend The Baconing above all else, but that’s not to say it still isn’t worth your time. Just don’t expect it to feel anywhere near as fresh as the original DeathSpank. The series is in need of a reboot if a fourth title does come about.

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