DeathSpank: The Baconing Reviews

We have rounded up another batch of reviews for the curiously-titled latest chapter of the DeathSpank franchise, The Baconing, which keeps garnering mixed reviews.

GamerLimit, 4.0/10.

While some fans of the first two DeathSpank games might be willing to suffer through the sub-par combat to get that next pun, others will leave The Baconing with a bad taste in their mouths. This is a game that turns its back on what made its predecessors so fun to play in the first place. If you’re somehow still interested and have yet to play the first two games you’ll probably have more fun with one of those.

Machinima, 7/10.

The Baconing is a good game that doesn’t take many risks. Virtually no changes have been made between this game and the last in the series. While not wholly bad, unfortunate omissions like online play and a revamped combat system will leave fans of the series (and of action RPGs in general), wanting more. DeathSpank has a penchant for the epic, but so far his games have been average.

MMOFG, scoreless.

All in all, The Baconing is a triumphant departure from the Deathspank titles. Although slight, the addition of new fighting methods and the loss of the Thongs of Virtue spell a different set of quests and bosses to overcome. It’s obvious Deathspank’s attention deficit behavior will only get him in a new mess of things and from what’s been established in The Baconing alone, it should be bigger and better. But for now, The Baconing sets a high standard of colorful battles in a variety of ways. And don’t forget to kill more Stoopid Chickens to gain some Justice.

PS3Blog, 80%.

If you’re looking for an interesting and very funny game, you shouldn’t look further. Deathspank: The Baconing is an extraordinary PSN title and one of the best downloadable titles I’ve played. It certainly feels like the game could offer a lot more for all the obvious work put into it, but maybe that’s just me because of my unfortunate experience. The greatest merit of the game is being a downloadable title with retail aspirations. While those may not be as good as they could, they’ve certainly made the game what it is: one of the most humorous and well made games available on the PSN.

PopMatters, 5/10.

While DeathSpank himself is still entertaining, his gameplay is growing monotonous, and the (un-opn) world doesn’t help. The second game at least introduced a sailing aspect, which didn’t change anything fundamental about the game, but it was a nice change of pace. The Baconing has nothing new like that. Sure, you can sail some more, but we’ve already seen that. Maybe next time Hothead should change more than just the setting.

MacTrast, 4/5.

The Baconing is a solid adventure that lives up to the series. If you’re a diehard fan of Deathspank then you’ll like this game. As always, Deathspank has a wide variety of characters that make the game fun and different from other adventure games. With over 100 quests, Deathspank is a great time waster. I kept playing for a while and lost track. There is much of the same from the previous Deathspank games, which for the most part is a good thing, because why would you fix something that isn’t broken? Aside from the loss of puzzles and addition of deeper combat, fans of the series will be happy with The Baconing.

Gameplay Today, 7.5/10.

It’s nice that there is multiplayer, but unfortunate that it’s limited to local play only. It would have been nice to go online and have someone take control of DeathSpank’s sidekick on Xbox LIVE. It’s rare these days to find a game on consoles that can make you laugh for the right reasons. While this game does push the humor a little far to the point where you might even wish the jokes would stop for a second there’s very little to dislike about this game. The Baconing has a little something for everyone and manages to put it all together without stretching itself thin. Despite the limited cooperative play and some short comings in the gameplay, The Baconing is worth the price of admission.

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