Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore Kickstarter Update #2, $42,683 and Counting

There’s a new update over at the Deathfire: Ruins of Nethermore Kickstarter page, celebrating the first 1,000 backers for the campaign. Here’s an excerpt that offers some clarification on the Nether Bursa item announced in the previous Kickstarter update:

Curse of the Nethermancer

The question also came up, whether the Nether Bursa item that we outlined yesterday replaces the in-game item that is part of the DIGITAL BASE EDITION and upwards. No, it is not. The Bursa is a separate item that every single backer will receive. The item from the DIGITAL BASE EDITION will come in addition to the Nether Bursa, and at this time we have not yet announced what that item will be. Stay tuned, and eventually you will find out, as we will cover it in one of the future updates.

And speaking of the Nether Bursa and the Nethermancer, I wanted to let you all know that we have removed the NETHERMANCER EDITION from our reward tiers. If you’ve been following the comments section, you have probably heard that this reward did not sit well with many backers, as they felt that we were withholding content from all other backers. This was not our intention at all, of course, and therefore, that tier is available no more.

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