Dead State Post-funding Update #25: Combat Video

The latest post-funding update for Dead State brings us a combat video for the Mitsodas’ zombie RPG, which shows some combat (obviously), looting, the noise meter mechanic, how companions work in combat, and more. The video clocks out at 9:52, and in case you have no time to see it, I suppose the closest comparisons would be the original Fallout titles and Age of Decadence. If you do have time, though, here you go:

The devs also have a few notes in the update:

-Everything you’re seeing is real-time, no editing tricks, no pre-scripted behavior. AI reacts to noise and zombies will spawn to the map if you make too much noise. They spawn at the blue exit zones.

-All our map pieces are built in a modular fashion. Creating pieces or structures once allows us to easily drop them down on a grid and arrange them to create a new map.

-Llano is one of the first areas, and it’s fairly forgiving. Both Vic and the player character were slightly more buff than they would be for the final game. They are using lower level equipment and have no armor on.

-Although I didn’t loot every container, collecting supplies is really important. Combat is dangerous, but sometimes unavoidable. Killing enemies doesn’t give skill points – gathering resources or meeting objectives does but all the same it’s a good idea to stay well-equipped and alert.

-You may notice guns are noisy but powerful. It may be easier to clear out zombies with them, but you will constantly alert area zombies or summon new zombies to the map, which will chew up your ammo. Ammo is pretty scarce in our game. Enemies are dipping into their ammo on hand if they use it up on you, they won’t have any when you loot them.

-Pathfinding is unoptimized, which will explain some slowdown in narrow areas/near doorways.

-The looter is reloading on her turn. Since there’s no animation, it might seem like she’s not doing anything, but that’s what she’s doing. You may notice it when Vic just stands there on his turn too.

-Zombie noises are placeholder. A final sound pass will happen closer to beta.

-Ally implementation is still being fine-tuned.

-Zombies have a grapple attack that is not featured here. The only attack they have in the video is their basic claw attack. They are a lot more dangerous when they have their full set of bites/takedowns, which are being fine-tuned right now.

-Loot containers are getting a visual tweak so that they can be spotted by sight alone.

-There will eventually be a musical stinger to notify you that someone can see a new enemy.

-Weapons have multiple attacks. We’re still working on alt animations and effects, so we didn’t show them off.

-We are working on trying out a (zombie turn) where all the zombies move at once.

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