Dead State Beta Patch #3 Released

The DoubleBear Productions developers have released another patch for the beta build of Dead State, which includes a reworked healing system, new random encounters, and a number of bug fixes and balance changes. Here’s the changelog:

Beta Patch #3 Changelog

Added twenty-five new random encounters

Added functionality to adrenaline shot, Stuporax, Soothinum, and Flashback

Reworked healing system and wounded status

Improved AI: fixed the endless combat round issue

Improved AI: fixed undead ‘˜sleeping’ during combat

Adjusted Leadership Commands: all players now start game with the (Go!) Leadership command

Fixed numerous blocking and loot issues in levels

Added an ally

Added additional crisis events

Added additional trait and perk icons

Fixed the issue where party slots still counted as full after an ally died

Added hotkey (P) to pull up Leadership Commands

Fixed issues with repeating dialogues

Fixed identical ammo not stacking with itself

Fixed an issue with the (Backstab) perk

Fixed an exploit for duplicating items using maximum stack size

Fixed an exploit for duplicating medical items by overloading the Medical Satchel

Adjusted balance on all weapons and special attacks

Combat is more dangerous now, and it will be harder to patch up your top allies after a rough fight. You’ll have to leave them to recover over time at the Shelter and take your B-listers out to scavenge in the meantime. Let us know what you think, and how this update affects your combat strategies!

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