Dead Island Reviews

We have rounded up another batch of, overall fairly favorable, reviews for Deep Silver and Techland’s zombie-filled open-world FPS/RPG Dead Island for your reading pleasure.

God Is A Geek, 8/10.

After all the hype for Dead Island, it may not have quite lived up to some of the expectations it was given, but it’s given it a damn good go. The sheer size of the game, the stunning graphics of the island and the zombies, the combat and the multiplayer aspect make this a great game to play. It is let down however, by the confusing storyline, the shaky human graphics and dodgy voice acting, but if you can look past this and look at it from a gameplay experience, it is a genuinely fun and immersive world to go around and smash or slice up zombies in.

If you are a little squeamish and are not a fan of sandbox games, then you may want to give Dead Island a miss. But if you love a good zombie game that is comparable in gameplay to Oblivion, Fallout and Borderlands (maybe not as great, but up there) then Dead Island would be a wise title to add to your games collection.

Dualshock Nexus, 8/10.

Overall Dead Island is an excellent game. It just falls short of perfect. I honestly think that if Techland had a couple months to bake this zombie cake, it would’ve been the most scrumptions zombie dessert to ever come to gaming. If you like zombies, first person rpg games like Fallout or Borderlands, or are just a fan of realistic games, this is definitely a game for you.

Multiplayer Online Games Directory, 3/5.

Dead Island isn’t a perfect game and it has a number of flaws too that can ruin the momentum and fun of the game. Despite those problems, it’s hard to deny the fun and experience that comes from playing the game, as it’s a zombie experience unlike any other that I can think of that’s currently out on the market. As long as you can look past the problems, there’s a decent looking gem underneath the dirt and grime that would’ve really shined if it had only been polished up a little more before release.

The Weekender, scoreless.

One thing I will say in (Dead Island’s) favor is that, despite all of its flaws, playing in co-op mode is extremely fun much more enjoyable than playing alone. You don’t even need friends to enjoy it; anyone can join and depart from your game at will. My advice to anyone thinking of picking up this game is to jump into co-op as soon as you’re ready. Otherwise, I’d recommend giving it a pass.

Goozer Nation, scoreless.

The big question is should you buy the game? Hands down, it’s a yes. If you like an FPS game with RPG elements then go and get Dead Island. If you enjoy a good co-op zombie killing game get it. It is a great game to play with friends. The single player story is at least 10 hours running solo, although the game clocked me at only 5 hours. Best of all you can go back when you finish the game and go back through with your upgraded character and all their fun weapons.

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