Dead Island Reviews

It doesn’t seem like we’re any closer to seeing the end of the flood of reviews for Deep Silver and Techland’s FPS/RPG hybrid Dead Island, as this review of the PC version from PC Gamer testifies, 82/100.

When it comes to combat, aside from the pants-but-rarely-used guns, getting up close with the undead has rarely been so grotesque and satisfying.

And the game is huge. Dead Island lacks the geographical sprawl of Far Cry 2 or Just Cause 2, but the island is so varied and packed with detail that navigating it feels much more interesting. Even when blasting through the main quest line and ignoring the many, many side quests, it’s easy to rack up 25-30 hours, and the whole thing is playable with a friend in co-op.

Part grim, survivalist nightmare, part slapstick zombie comedy and the goriest game you’ll play this year, Dead Island is the most fun you can have with an electrified cleaver and a sack of wet, walking flesh.

Lazy Gamer, 7.5/10.

I’m not a fan of scoring games (ew, don’t be gross), but I think this conveys nicely what I feel about this game. Not terrible, but not amazing; uninspiring but absolutely gorgeous and solid in combat. Creepy at appropriate moments but lacking in a reason to justify why you should be creeped out. It’s one thing to just feel like going into a creepy house to be scared; it’s another reason entirely to enter a haunted house because your wife/daughter/lover/freedom is there.

New Game Network, 79/100.

Dead Island is a solid open world zombie attraction. There is much to do from crafting weapons, customizing your characters talents and skills, doing quests, and just exploring. The graphics look good enough and get the job done, but do suffer from bad character models and mediocre voice acting. If you expected to come into this game after watching its debut trailer hoping for a heart wrenching emotional tale of turmoil, look elsewhere. Play Dead Island to its strengths an open world survival zombie action game and you will get a lot of mileage for your buck.

2D-X, scoreless.

After that amazing trailer that debuted months ago, Dead Island had so much potential to be an amazingly great game, but Techland dropped the ball. The trailer showed emotional depth, a family torn apart, and the scare of an impending zombie threat. Aside from the zombies, Dead Island had absolutely none of these things. Also Dead Island is a buggy game, and comes packaged unfinished. I had to restart the game three different times due to bugs at several different points in the game. Potential squandered Techland, potential squandered.

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