D&D: Wrath of the Dragon God Q&A, Part One

Warcry was able to track down writers Robert Kimmel and Brian Rudnick for a Q&A about their most recent movie project, Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God. In the first portion of the interview, the two writers address questions about what inspired their writing, their favorite D&D module, and more. Check it out:

Q: What kind of resources did you use when writing? Players Handbook? Any adventures/modules?

BR: We used them all. My favorite is the Book of Vile Darkness. But our most valuable resource was the people at Wizards. They were incredibly at helping us adapt all aspects of game mechanics onto the screen.

RK: The folks at Wizards were also a great resource – kind of like living, breathing Handbooks. We would run things by them and check with them all the time.

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