D&D Online: On the Campaign Trail

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a new editorial entitled “On the Campaign Trail”, in which the author talks about the team’s plans to integrate the tabletop setting into the game. Here’s a bit to get you started:

D&D, and the Eberron setting specifically, provides us with a lot of great ways to introduce choices. Whether the choices are based on character alignment, allied (and rival) organizations, or the intrinsic conflicts between races and classes, we’ve got a lot of tools that give us the latitude to spice up the quests. So, the same quest could play out very differently for a chaotic good fighter working for House Cannith and a neutral evil wizard who is running missions for the Blood of Vol. Sometimes you save the princess, sometimes you extract information from her and feed her to the kobolds. It takes all kinds.

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