D&D Heroes Interview

GameSpy has conducted an interview with Constantine Hantzopoulous at this year’s Gen Con, asking the Atari rep several questions about the recently released Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes. Check it out:

Q: Okay, the big news now is that D&D Heroes has become an Xbox game. Last year at Gen Con it was a multiplatform game. What happened?

A: When you do cross-platform/multiplatform development, it’s a very difficult thing to do. I personally believe in concentrating on a single platform at a time. Make the game the best it can be on a single platform, and then bring it to the other platforms. The reason why we canceled the PS2 and the GameCube is that the game just wasn’t looking very good there. We want to make sure D&D Heroes is as strong a game as possible out the gate. We want to do a D&D Heroes 2! So, we decided to push back the PS2 and GameCube versions and focus on the Xbox, because it was our lead SKU. I mean, we initially did all our art for Xbox and then de-rezzed down. That’s our vision and that’s why about seven months ago I made a very strong suggestion that we choose one platform . and we just go with it!

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