DC Universe Online Interview

Goozer Nation offers a pretty short interview with SOE game director Chris Cao about DC Universe Online, looking back to the superhero MMORPG’s launch.

DIG: The launch was a long time coming. Your game has been known to exist since as far back as 2008. Was the long gestation a matter of not wanting to release until the game was perfect?

C.C.: Worlds take a long time to build. Add to that the fact that DC Universe Online is multiplatform, and you have an immense, complex game that deserves and requires a lot of attention. We have multiplayer physics. We have action gameplay. We have an enormous shared world. We have thousands of players playing together. That’s a lot of things — a lot of game to make.

DIG: How did you settle on the subscription model?

C.C.: Sony Online Entertainment has a lot of experience building and maintaining subscription-based games. Based on that experience, we went with our internal standard (which is also the industry standard). It’s still hard to beat the ratio of dollars to entertainment hours that an MMO gives you. DC Universe Online adds even more to that with its unique gameplay and setting.

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