David Allen Interview

VoodooExtreme has conducted an interview with David Allen, former CEO of Artifact Entertainment, talking about his new company Pharaoh Productions and his departure from AE. Here’s a snippet:

    VE: Speaking of other companies, was your split really amicable with Artifact Entertainment? Why did you get out so quickly?

    David Allen: Actually it didn’t happen as quickly as it appeared. Personnel problems arose that required action that I was not allowed to take because my ability to remove and replace certain people in the company was limited early in 2001. I communicated my concerns along with the actions I felt necessary to get the company back on course on many occasions with the board of directors. In a nutshell, I saw it coming, but there was very little I could do once they made their decision. In raising more than $6M for Artifact, I was forced to give up my majority ownership of the company; needless to say I got a quick lesson in what it means to work within an “at will” employment state since I was removed from my own company without cause.

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