Dave Maldonado Interview

RPGDot let us know that they’ve posted an interview with Black Isle’s Dave Maldonado about the soon-to-be-released Icewind Dale II. Here’s a taste:

    Q: How would someone not being familiar with 3rd edition rules experience the game? Would they require a learning curve to be able to play the game or could they just go ahead without worrying too much about the rules?

    A: The 3rd edition rules (or our implementation of them, at least) should be easy for just about anyone to pick up. We’ve tried to include as much information in the game itself (rather than only in the manual) as possible – tips on loading screens, detailed character records and explanations of all things therein, and so on. I don’t believe anyone will have a hard time of it, even those totally new to D&D (3rd edition or otherwise).

    In fact, a number of the division’s artists have recently started to play the game, some of whom who had never even played a CRPG before (*GASP*). One afternoon later I went out to lunch with a couple of them and they’re talking like hoary D&D veterans, planning feats twelve levels in advance and rambling on about the Sleep spell’s limited duration of effectiveness and how it should always go to wizards rather than sorcerers or bards… pretty funny to see.

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