Darren Monahan Interview

Computer Games Online has posted an interview with Darren Monahan, producer of the upcoming RPG for Playstation 2, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance. For those of you who didn’t know, Darren also produced Icewind Dale, so it’s a good read for any Black Isle/BioWare fan. As usual, here’s a snippet:

    Which characteristics are most similar to the PC products?

    Well you’ll have the traditional goodness of D&D based RPG’s. When you level up you see your character changing. Since we’re using the new D&D ruleset, you’re able to pick between new feats-and spells for the Sorceress-and every few levels you’re able to raise one of your stat points. You have an inventory and equipped items and such, and also meet interesting folks along the way that gesture and have lip-synced voice over when you talk with them. The game starts in Baldur’s Gate in the Forgotten Realms universe, but doesn’t require the player to have any knowledge of the locations, or even D&D itself. For those who are familiar with it, they’ll be right at home.

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