Darksiders II: The Demon Lord Belial DLC Reviews

We couldn’t find many reviews for Darksiders II’s latest (and most likely last) DLC, The Demon Lord Belial, but the two we managed to find offer mixed impressions of the add-on.

We Got This Covered, scoreless.

Unfortunately, Darksiders II hasn’t sold a million copies as of yet. That is, as far as we’ve heard. What that unfortunately means is that the series’ first and only sequel will probably be its last. Furthermore, since The Demon Lord Belial is the last downloadable pack attributed to the game’s Season Pass promotion, this could be our last piece of brand new Darksiders content to play through. It’s a shame, because the series is a quality one, which deserved a much better fate. Thankfully, if this is the last add-on, the intellectual property will go out with relative quality.

Hidden Audio Log, 2.5/5.

Darksiders II’s supposedly last piece of DLC tells an interesting story, but the confusing absence of puzzles and going through an area that you have already visited in the original game makes The Demon Lord Belial feel unsatisfying. If you’re invested in the Darksiders universe then The Demon Lord Belial will matter more to you than any of the previous pieces of downloadable content, but if you’re not, then I cannot recommend The Demon Lord Belial to you even if you liked Darksiders II as that’s all that this content offers.

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