Darkfall Peek #18

RPG Vault has released the eighteenth installment to their ongoing “peek” feature for Razorwax’s upcoming MMORPG, Darkfall. This time around, we learn more about the game’s demigods. Here’s a taste:

It is possible to kill a demigod, but that rare feat can only be accomplished by groups of extremely powerful and well-coordinated heroes. If such a group is successful, they tend to find that a demigod’s loot justifies even the most Herculean of efforts; fearing nothing, demigods bring cherished jewelry and preferred weapons with them to Agon.

In each regularly visited nation, a handful of highly prestigious quests involve hunting down and killing the demigod in question. Some of these quests are considered sacred undertakings, and therefore have alignment limits or glory point limits (glory points are accumulated exclusively through completing quests). Other, more prosaic quests just require the potential hero to have full mastery of certain necessary skills.

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