Darkest Dungeon Gets Controller Support, DLC details

Darkest Dungeon has received an update adding controller support for PC/Mac/Linux. In addition to that, this update fixes a fair share of bugs. The full changelog is as follows:

  • Added basic Controller support.
    • Currently only uses PS4 Icons. Will add Xbox glyphs in the future.
    • Added new control options category to options menu, which includes:
      • Enable Controller (Default: On)
      • Vibration (Default: On)
      • Hold Required in Dungeons (Default: OFF)
        • While in dungeons holding L button is required before you can swap hero positions, change hero selections, or view character sheets. Turn this on if you frequently start swapping a hero’s position when you don’t intend too.
      • Interact with L Stick Up (Default: ON)
        • While in dungeons, pressing up on L Stick can be used to enter doors, open curios, and similar actions. (This duplicates Cross Button functionality.)
  • Vvulf now won’t invade until at least week 35. Note: we are considering some possible further changes to this.
  • Highwayman riposte nerfed some
  • Abomination transformation will now properly give a blight buff, which increases duration with skill level
  • Abomination transform back will now properly give debuff, which increases duration with skill level (harder comedown)
  • Activity log and graveyard should know handle unknown character classes gracefully.
  • Added 3 new trinkets to PC build (from PS4): fortifying_garlic, ethereal_crucifix, tempting_goblet
  • Journal pages (written by KS backers) will now appear more frequently!
  • DD Talisman now reduces damage from Revelation skill by 100% instead of adding 100% protection. The latter wasn’t working because of the internal PROT cap.
  • Added new syntax for Ability tool-tips with self buffs (buffs that last x/rounds), and removed syntax for instant-buff abilities (i.e. +%DMG to Mark)
  • Added new Loot Window Text for recovering fallen hero trinkets after retreating from battle. (No longer says: VICTORY!)
  • Fix for crashes related to Razer headset drivers.
  • Fix to % Move modifiers not working properly.
  • Fix to map boss tooltip and scouting and checkmark.
  • Fix to graveyard not showing dead heroes.
  • Fix to bug involving wearing to -100% food consumption trinkets on one character affecting all party members.
  • Fix to incompatible quirk problem.
  • Fix for crash related to dragging heroes to the party from town event window.
  • Fix to Blurry drag objects and other images that are of odd widths drawn on centre.
  • Fix to remove buffs that persisted after death when resurrecting heroes.
  • Fix to Level 6 heroes getting benefit from Town Event resolve levels.
  • Fix to Hag’s Cauldron activity log text.
  • Fix to tutorial cursor changing.
  • Fix to the mysterious mini-map tiles disappearing or traps being shown as scouted when they aren’t.
  • Fix to map not being forced during scouting curio result.
  • Removed ability to target / select move when classes are immobilized.
  • Render announcements over character barks.
  • Added pulse animation on controller highlight for skills in character sheet.
  • Realm inventory UI cleanup
  • Various tool-tip fixes.
  • Various UI changes/updates.
  • Various new icons for pop-up windows (loot/hunger/curio/quest complete).
  • Added option to disable party first sort in roster list.
  • Fix for crashes related to Razer headset drivers. (This _should_ also help those affected by nahimic crashes).
  • Fix closing hot key sub menus help/glossary.
  • Updated journal fonts.
  • Fix to riposte tooltip.
  • Fix to inventory tooltips that overlap.
  • Fix to map hitboxes.
  • Fix to the background image in DD Quest 3.
  • [MODDING] Exposed ability for plot quests to be repeatable. ( “.is_repeatable” in quest.json)

Apart from that, in their end-of-year wrap-up, Red Hook Studios provide some information about their upcoming plans, including the Crimson Court DLC, and a so-called RADIANT mode, that should cut the length of game’s campaign roughly in half. As stated by the developers:

Upcoming Core Game Updates
In addition to DLC, we wanted to tease some upcoming free core game updates! Thanks to the excellent community feedback and the continued support of the game, we have several initiatives in the works aimed at making the Darkest Dungeon experience even better. These can be broken down into two categories:

  • New Mode: RADIANT. One of the most common critiques of the game is that the significant length to completion (approximately 80+ hrs on average, though this varies widely) can lead to some players abandoning their campaigns, especially after a particularly nasty party-wipe with a valuable trinket loadout. Game length also exacerbates some of the grindier elements of the game’s design. While a portion of this endurance test is simply Darkest Dungeon as we intend it, we also would love for more players to be able to see the story through. So, we are planning an alternative game mode (RADIANT), which will have balance changes and rule tweaks aimed at bringing the completion time down to approximately 40 hours. Rest assured that even in this alternate campaign ruleset, we won’t be compromising on some of the core ideas that make DD what it is (e.g. permadeath, autosaving). However, we will flex here and there on some things and generally structure it so that a reasonable investment of time and effort can see things through to the deepest parts of the Ancestor’s trail. This also paves the way for additional modability, via exposing more options. Note: some achievements, and possibly even loot, will still require completing the Normal mode–we still want to celebrate the efforts of our dedicated players. Additionally, we will be looking at sharpening NG+’s claws a bit, for those who have mastered the current iteration. Stay tuned for more details!
  • Improvements, balance adjustments and “quality of life tweaks”: In addition to the new mode, we also have quite a few general tweaks and improvements that we would like to make across all modes. Many of these are based upon community feedback!

In short, you can count on additional improvements and an improved core game in addition to the the paid DLC! We love working on Darkest Dungeon, and still have a lot of things we’d like to do with it, thanks to your support.

Having beaten the original campaign, I have to say, such a change is welcome, since it can get a bit tedious towards the end. Perhaps this new mode can be a good reason to revisit the game with all of its added content.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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