Dark Souls Reviews

We have rounded up a few more reviews for From Software’s console-exclusive action-RPG Dark Souls, which despite the definition does not seem to cater to the market’s trends, at least judging by the coverage of it we rounded up so far, which has been very favorable towards the title.

The Controller Online, 9.0/10.

Despite flying too close to the sun with the co-op, From Software have put together a fantastic game. Dark Souls is innovative and old-school at the same time. With bold new ideas and classic gameplay ideas, Dark Souls is unforgettable. Extreme difficulty is met with extreme satisfaction and there is always a compelling reason to keep going, no matter how many times you’ve been smacked down.

Gamer Limit, 8.5/10.

All in all, Dark Souls is a more difficult, but less enjoyable (and less accessible) Demon’s Souls. Personally, I think From Software’s latest offering has too many technical problems for it to be enjoyed by the masses; but if you’re a glutton for punishment, you may get even more out of Dark Souls just because of the difficulty, and extended length I know I did.

Gaming-Age, A-.

Besides those two points [Ed. Note: framerate and online play], Dark Souls is an absolutely great game to play. It’s something that I hope to have more time with soon, even though I know I probably won’t. If you’re looking for something that will kick your ass yet keep you coming back for more, look no further than Dark Souls. It’s definitely the most unique RPG experience you’ll see on the Xbox 360, and PS3 owners should note that it takes what you loved about Demons Souls and makes it even better.

VideoGamer, 8/10.

Dark Souls isn’t a game you play for fun. It’s something you do to say you’ve done; like running a marathon or climbing Everest. You won’t enjoy it like you will other games, but you won’t forget it either, and you’ll be damn proud of yourself for seeing it through to the end.

USA Today, scoreless.

There is one important caveat for those curious about this game: It is very easy to grow frustrated. Not only are the enemies tough, but because players die so often they are repeating sections over and over. There were moments in Dark Souls where I felt more relieved than satisfied after defeating a difficult foe. This is not a video game for everyone.

However, Demon’s Souls fans or video game players wanting to tackle one of the toughest games out there will likely love this RPG.

Finally, if you’re in the mood for some commented footage, Angry Joe played Dark Souls and filmed the footage that resulted out of it, which subsequently ended up on Blistered Thumbs.

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