DARK Reviews

We have rounded up a couple of new reviews for the action/stealth/RPG DARK, and, quite frankly, they paint a grim picture for the vampire-themed title, which so far seemingly hasn’t managed to garner much, if any, praise from critics.

Eurogamer, 3/10.

It’s easy enough to see what Dark was aiming for. It’s the no-frills off-brand version of Dishonored, complete with seeing-through-walls superpowers and teleport-assisted traversal of environments, dressed up as True Blood fan fiction. In every aspect, however, it falls woefully short of its inspirations. It’s a game defined by its limitations – of technology, of budget and of development skill.

Low-budget games can be delightful and surprising, but only if the core elements work. Here, they don’t. In its best moments, this is only ever a reminder of better games. In its worst moments – of which there are far too many – Dark frustrates and irritates as only a clumsy stealth game can.

Omnigamer, 2.5/5.

Dark tries really hard with the stealth, but doesn’t try hard enough nor with anything else that it does and that makes it for a bad game. There is some moments of hope with sneaking up on people and some of the powers are fun to use, but never enough and mixed with problems those few times are forgettable. However, it is a game that I think with enough work could have a really cool sequel and would like to see Realmforge Studios take another swing at this IP. I do not want to see a series with potential shelved because the first game wasn’t great.

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