Dark and Light – Gobboween is in Full Swing

The Halloween celebrations, otherwise known as Gobboween have arrived on Archos! As you can expect, it’s a time filled with scary and spooky happenings.  Everyone is acting, weirdly and some even have terrifying new forms. If you’re not already playing Dark and Light, now would be the perfect time to jump back in, to experience the scary goings-on between Oct 6th and Nov 2nd. It’s time to discover all those Gobboween-exclusive armour, weapons, and more.

Scattered around Talos, Estel and Ironfast you’ll find enchanted Jack-O-Lanterns. Crack them open and who knows what you’ll find inside.

What can you expect at Gobboween?

Roaming Alpha Wolf packs and elite dark reapers have been known to roam the countryside. The wolves are more dangerous at night, but the elite reapers will take a few of you to take them down. Even then, their ranged magic and teleportation can make mincemeat of you, if not well-equipped.

Plant pumpkin seeds, to grow your own pumpkin patch, which when grown can be used to make your own tasty pumpkin treats or Gobboween-exclusive Schemas.

Dark and Light Gobboween Screenshot 2

If Goblin Candy is your thing, there’s plenty around. Eat them at your own risk though, who knows what it will do.

You can make yourself a Jack-O-Lantern Helmet. You’ll have to take down a few Elite Goblins first to get the schema, but once you’ve got it and crafted one it will open your eyes to a whole wealth of hidden information on the other Gobboween items.

That’s not the only new schema either. There’s the Fusil that allows you fire special bullets for long-range attack, Gobboween decorations, a new transportation rune plus a new and powerful weapon called the Sunder-Scythe.

Dark and Light Gobboween Screenshot 1

These are just some of the things you can expect with the last update. There are also the usual amount of tweaks and changes. The full list of changes included with this Gobboween patch can be found here on the Dark and Light official Site.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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