Dark Age of Camelot v1.68 Patch Notes

Straight from the Camelot Herald:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.68 Release Notes

February 19, 2004



– Monsters that previously awarded master level experience on a scale based upon your current master level no longer check that requirement. This will result in players always receiving the maximum allowed master level experience possible for each kill.

– Players will now be able to earn Master Level Experience through realm vs. realm combat. Please note that you will only receive master level experience if the enemy realm player you have killed is also worth realm points.

– Keep lords now award Master Level Experience on death.

– Creatures killed by damage over time spells while the original caster is dead will now properly award quest, battlegroup, and trial credit for the kill.

– (TOA Only) The Master Level window now contains ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ buttons to allow you to page through all 9 master level trials to see which steps you have and have not completed. You can also enter ‘/master #’ to jump to a specific trial #.

– By default NPC healers will attempt to restore all of a player’s constitution at once assuming they have enough cash. If the player does not have enough cash to afford a full restore of constitution, the NPC healer will offer to restore as many constitution points as the player can afford.

– Added [Level ##] tag to the end of quest confirmations to indicate the minimum level for that quest.

– To make selecting and getting your own loot easier, we have added a new key, ‘Target Nearest Loot’. This key will target only items that you can actually pick up (personal & group loot, relics, etc).

– To make finding your loot easier in raid situations, you can now use /stick, /follow, and /face on objects/loot.

– To make guild information easier to view – we have split the /gc info command into /gc info, /gc ranks, and /gc alliance into different smaller chunks of information.

– The /bg groups command will now list level, class, and zone of soloers in the battlegroup.

– The /bg who will now list level, class, and zone.

– We have added a new /bg groupclass command to see the class makeup of each of the groups in the battlegroup.

– Shields now display their DPS and size in the delve window.

– “You are hit for…” messages have been changed to “(Attacker name) hits you for” in most cases.

– Autosplit messages will now include the name of the item in the “Loot goes to (player)” message.

– Personal boats will now have the owner’s guild emblem on the sail.

– Players will now be able to trade the skiff, Elvish Caravel, British Cog, and Viking Longship.

– Spells will now cause an interrupt chance on a given target for a duration of 2 seconds after they strike the target. This fixes a bug where casters would be interrupted for an incorrect amount of time when hit with spells in some cases.

– If a DoT spell is cast from an object with a caster (such as a rune), it is treated as being cast by that object’s caster when the effect is placed on the victim.

– Graphical effects from radius effect spells will no longer be sent out to third parties in the area if there are more than 40 players around who would receive it. This is to cut down the general amount of graphical spam in the area. The caster and target of a spell will still always see the effect properly.

– AE spells that are cast while above water will not cast on targets under water and vice versa.

– Fixed a bug with delving spell lists (pressing the “Info” button when highlighting a spell line at the trainer). Delving the spell list will now print the correct spell level and print level 50 spells if they exist (previously it was printing 1 spell level higher than the actual level).

– All DD/Snare and DD/Debuff spells will now delve correctly.

– Fixed body/spirit/energy and heat/matter/cold combo resist buff delves.

– If the weapon you are attempting to perform a style with will always fail by trying to drain more fatigue than you have (in the case of the Faultfinder style), you will see the following message: “Your weapon is too slow to perform the xxxx style!”

– Guard death messages will no longer have an extra linefeed at the end.

– Items that raise Acuity score cap now correctly raise the cap for items that raise the individual score (+Intelligence, +Empathy, etc); previously Acuity score cap items only worked with +Acuity bonus items.

– Items with global melee resist no longer print the resist value twice.

– Rings with use timers will now decrement properly (previously rings with timers would be stuck at 15 minutes until they could be used and never be usable).

– Ground Targets will now appear at the current player level when you are underwater, instead of going to the ocean floor.

– Fixed a bug where /stick and /follow were breaking too easily while going up and down hills.

– You may now bind game actions to the ‘extra’ mouse buttons on the side of many newer mouse models (referred to as ‘Mouse4’ and ‘Mouse5’).

– (TOA Only) The options menu will now contain a list of valid resolutions for your monitor/video card, to support newer widescreen-style monitors.

– We have made optimizations to crossing zone boundaries to reduce pauses/hitches when crossing from one zone into another.

– Characters will now move into the proper polearm attack stance when wielding the Lucerne Hammer Polearm Legendary Weapon.

– Trying to purchase an item from a consignment merchant and being refused for not having enough money will no longer result in the item being removed from Market Explorer searches. We strongly recommend that all players with a consignment merchant go to their merchant and use /listmerchant to refresh their listings in the consignment market.

– /ignore will now work in battlegroups.


– To make loot distribution easier, you can now print item stats automatically to the guild, group, chatgroup, and battlegroup chat channels.

– To use this feature, drag an item from your backpack to the chat buffer. It will print the delve information of the item to your current outgoing chat channel.

– You will be able to use item chat delve in ToA, SI, and Classic interfaces.


As most of you know, Trials of Atlantis features many powerful items and artifacts that give very strong bonuses to new special buffs created just for the expansion. These buffs were to casting/melee/archery haste, casting/melee/archery damage, combat style damage, and archery/casting range. Since the expansion’s launch we have become aware that by mixing and matching different Trials of Atlantis items with bonuses to these buffs, players can make their characters far more powerful than we intended. Because of this, we are now making changes to the way that stat bonuses and some buff types from ToA items are capped, as well as making changes to some of the items themselves.

– In researching this issue, we found that a 50th level character could receive up to 50 bonus stat points (the character’s level divided by 1) from items, buffs, etc. Our design called for the stat cap to be set at the character’s level divided by two (plus one), and we’ve even given this answer out in discussions and chats. Feedback from our users proved there was a discrepancy. We have fixed this bug, so now everyone’s stat cap bonus will be lowered to meet the new formula. Now, a level 50 character’s stat bonus cap will be 26, not the overpowered 50.

– A new cap has been added that limits the bonus from ToA items and the amount of new ToA buffs that one character can receive. Previously, characters received the full bonus. Now, they are capped to be level divided by 5, total, for each of those three buffs. So, now a level 50 character with three items that each give a +5% bonus to melee combat speed will receive a 10% bonus, cumulative, from those items, instead of 15%.

– Additionally, we have altered all Artifacts as well as many other ToA dropped items to reduce the amount of bonus they give you to these ToA-specific buffs. A list of some of these items can be found in the items section later in this patch note.



– Non list casters who have Wild Power will now correctly have a chance to critical hit on DD spells. Note, non list casters still do not receive the additional base chance that list casters have.

Pet Classes

– Direct damage (including PBAOE) spells cast by a pet now report whether they hit or are resisted, and how much damage they do, to their owner.

– Duration effects (such as debuffs) cast by casters, necromancer pets, or animist bombers outside of /say range (512 units) now also report the effect directly to the caster.

– Pets that cast spells that their targets resist will now report resist messages to their owners.

– Theurgist and Animist pets will no longer cast an effect graphic on the caster’s current target.


– The Animist’s Vent of Elemental Resistance and Vent of Physical Resistance turret lines will no longer spam the area with messages when the spells are cast or when they expire. The turrets will also now recast these spells before they expire.

– Animist turrets that cast buffs on group members now begin from a random point in the group when buffing instead of always beginning with the first group member.

– The Briar Burst line of Animist pet-cast PBAOE spells now take into account the Animist’s specialization and acuity (intelligence) stat.

– Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of ToA item bonuses for spell damage and archmagery.

– Animist bomber pets now gain the benefit of their caster’s Majestic Will Realm Ability.

– The Animist’s area of effect root bombers will now behave correctly when used against monsters that are already rooted, or monsters that were rooted within a minute of firing the bomber.

– The Animist’s Fire and Forget root turrets, as well as their root bombers, will now behave correctly when used against monsters that are already rooted, or monsters that were rooted within a minute of firing the bomber.

– The pets from the Animist’s Constraining Spirit line will now attempt to root the targets in the area even if they are already rooted.

– Forest’s Core, in the Animist’s Creeping Path base line, will no longer be instant casting its spell; it will now have a three second cast time.

– The Elder Sporespawn, in the Animist’s Creeping Mastery spec line, will now hit its target appropriately.

– The Dancing Flame spell line, in the Animist’s Creeping Mastery spec line, will now fire on its target appropriately, even if the target already has the effect.

– Animist Fire and Forget turrets no longer try to target invisible monsters.

– When summoning Animist turrets, the spell will now attempt to summon the turret correctly on the ground if the turret would be in an illegal location.

– The icons for the Animist’s Constraining Spirit line have been fixed.


– (Classic) The fossil guardian (Summon Bone Patroller line) will now have a visible shield when viewing the monster while running the classic client.


– We have replaced the druid’s tree pet with a black bear. This change should eliminate the problems many druids had with the tree pet interfering with visibility and targeting.


– The erroneous print displaying to the user of Dirty Tricks has been removed.


– Necromancers casting petcast spells now check of line of sight visibility instead of forward arc checks. This should solve a good deal of problems with necromancer pet usability.

– Necromancers in shade mode must be within 100u of their pet when casting storms.

– Objects created by necromancers in shade mode (including siege weapons and Prescience Nodes) are no longer invulnerable.


– The Spiritmaster’s spirit champion pet’s spells will now all have the correct icons and casting animations.


– The Thane’s direct damage line – beginning with Thor’s Minor Bolt and ending with Thor’s Full Lightning – has had its damage increased.


– The Crystal Titan ability will now summon a Crystal Titan monster that hits for considerably more damage, has more hit points, and is higher in level.

– Leadership and Warguard should both now share the same recast timer.

– ML10 Spymaster – Blanket of Camouflauge Fixed a bug that allowed group members to move while stealthed in some situations.

– The master ability Banestrike has been renamed to Banespike to avoid any confusion with the Valewalker spell Banestrike.

– The Battlewarder ability will now summon a Battlewarder monster that always double hits. Additionally, the Battlewarder can no longer attack any non realm associated monsters, even if they are being attacked by such monsters.

– (PvP Only) The Warlord ML ability Bolstering Battlecry now only heals the correct friendly targets (groupmate/guildmate/battlegroup member) on PvP servers.

– Convoker Master Level Ability 1, ‘Summon Wood’, will no longer summon elm wood boards. The percentage chance of summoning each wood type has changed as well. While Oak wood boards will now have the highest likelihood of being summoned, the Convoker will have a chance of receiving higher quality wood (up to and including duskwood).

– The Essence Flare master ability, which creates a poison in the inventory of the user, has been changed so that the poison may be used by any assassin class with an envenom skill of 1 or greater.

– Font of Power will now generate aggression similar to the recent change for Sphere of Rejuvenation.

– Grappled targets can no longer be attacked in melee (you will still be able to attack with arrows). Additionally, Grapple now correctly stuns the caster for 12 seconds. This fixes a bug that allowed the caster doing the grappling to continue casting other spells.

– Powerdrain spells (including the Convoker ML ability, Power Trap) will no longer print erroneous damage messages to players who have 0 power.

– Convokers can no longer place a Prescience Node unless the caster has line of sight to the ground target.

– Fixed a bug where certain wards, storms, and fonts would spam players with the message (You cannot attack this target)

– The Siegewrecker master ability will no longer work against doors.

– The Stormlord master ability, Focusing Winds, now has delve information.

– The Throw Weapon ML ability now checks to see if the user has line of sight to the target before firing.

– Fixed delve on ‘Wave of Healing’ to indicate that the target must be in the caster’s line of sight to be healed.

– The following ML abilities will only work on enemy realm targets or affect attacks from enemy realm targets (enemy players or controlled pets): Chaotic Power, Leadership, Phase Shift.

– All Convoker list master abilities will now be on separate recast timers.

– The Convoker master ability, Brittle Guard, will now be on a five minute recast timer.

– Dazzling Array, Enervating Gas, Inebriating Fumes, Mental Siphon, Sense Dulling Cloud and Energy Tempest will all now share the same recast timer.

– Dissonating Ward will now have the correct recast time of 5 minutes.

– Energizing Aura and Defending Martyr will both now share the same recast timer.

– Leaping Health and Restore the Soul will both now share the same recast timer.

– Oppression, Chaotic Power and Agony Transmission will all now share the same recast timer.

– Primal Agony, Tactical Insight and Demoralization will all now share the same recast timer.

– Resilient Will, Guided Strike and Cleansing Aura will all now share the same recast timer.

– Sphere of Rejuvenation, Font of Power, Determination Field and Dissonating Ward will all now share the same recast timer.

– Tanglesnare and Poisonspike will both now share the same recast timer.

– Zone of Unmana, Inexorable Defeat and Snaring Tendrils of Power will all now share the same recast timer.


– Bards are now able to purchase the realm ability, Mastery of Concentration.

– Clerics are now able to purchase the realm ability, Wild Power.

– Thanes are now able to purchase the realm abilities, Mastery of Magery and Wild Power.


– Drops received after this version that are created by the unique item generator will no longer have haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes the following: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style damage, archery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Any unique item drops received prior to this version will be changed to have reduced haste, damage, and range bonuses.

– Standard item drops (items not created by the unique item generator) will now have reduced haste, damage, and range bonuses. This adjustment includes the following: melee haste, archery haste, spell haste, melee damage, style damage, archery damage, spell damage, archery range, and spell range. Along with this change, other bonuses on each item have been increased to retain the value of the item. This change applies for new item drops and any items received prior to this version.

– Please note that item bonuses that were previously limited to being effective only versus types of mobs will continue to have those restrictions.

– For more information on these changes, please go to http://www.camelotherald.com/more/1329.shtml


– Players will now be able to earn experience from RvR for every artifact. The PvE requirements will still work, allowing players to choose whether to continue following the PvE requirement or to engage in RvR. None of the changes involving the addition of RvR requirements to the artifacts will have any effect on Gaheris players.

– Rather than focusing on specific classes or races, the following artifacts have also been changed to earn experience from any RvR: Fool’s Bow, Crown of Zahur, Scepter of the Meritorious, Tartaro’s Gift, Battler, and Snatcher. The time of day requirements for earning experience for the Ceremonial Bracers and Band of Stars has been removed.

– Basic Stealth Lore, Stealth Lore, and Greater Stealth Lore have had their durations reduced to 30, 60, and 90 seconds respectively. The bonus to stealth detection granted by these abilities has also been moderately increased. The intent is to make these bonuses very effective in helping to find enemy stealthers in specific situations (for example, after an enemy stealther has killed several realmmates in an area). Currently, the bonus granted is too low with such a long duration that it’s basically (always on.)

– Fixed the spell, ‘Aura of Magic’, and the delve to ‘Feather Fall’ on the Cloudsong artifact.

– Damage converted via the level 6 Crocodile’s Tear Ring ability will now update the player’s power and endurance bars.

– Fixed archery bonuses (range and haste) to work properly with requirements (such as artifact levels).

– Fixed display of experience remaining on artifacts, so that the experience counter always resets to 0% remaining after each new level instead of displaying “50% exp earned towards level 2” immediately after getting the first level.

– Omni-Lifedrain spells (special lifedrain abilities on certain artifacts that drain life, power, and endurance) now fail if the user is at full life, power, and endurance (previously it would fail if the user was at full life, regardless of power/endurance levels).


– To allow players to better bind their keys to player abilities, we’re introducing a system of ‘Quickbinding’. This allows you to bind any free keyboard key to a particular quickbar slot.

– To allow players to leave keys free to be used for quickbinding, you can now set keys in the Keyboard Config screen to ‘No Key’. Select the key, and press the ‘[Clear Key]’ button that appears. Previously, if you left a key as UNSET, a default key would be selected for it if one was free.

– These bind to a particular slot, so changing what is in the slot will change what the keypress does. You may only assign quickbinds to keys which do not yet have any action mapped to them in the normal keyboard config screen. These quickbinds are saved on a per-character basis.

(To bind a new key) /qbind bar# slot#

(To get rid of a keybinding) /qunbind bar# slot#

(To see all your current bindings) /qbind

– For example, if you put Quickcast on page 10, slot #5 of your quickbar, and wanted to bind a key to it, you would enter: /qbind 10 5

– You will then be prompted to press the key to bind this ability to.


– (TOA Only) We have added a new Quiver Window to allow archer classes to manage their arrows more easily. There are 4 additional inventory slots on your backpack to place arrows in, and you can pick which arrow will be used to fire next. If there are no arrows in your quiver, it will draw out of your backpack as it always has. Type /quiver to bring up the new window.

– You can now drag arrow icons (using Shift-LeftClick) from the quiver to the quickbar to hotkey switching arrow types.


– We have added a new command – /nohelp. A player can use this command to prevent situations where a player outside of his or her group is healing, for the purpose of leeching experience from a monster kill, without their consent. Players can also use this command to decline any assistance from nearby Spheres of Rejuvenation and Fonts of Power.

– If /nohelp is active, the following spells and abilities will not affect the player in any way unless the caster is a member of the player’s group: All heal spells and regen buffs, the Wave of Healing artifact ability, and the Sphere of Rejuvenation and Font of Power master level abilities.

– If a player casts a heal spell on a non-consenting player, the spell will complete, but instead of the actual heal taking effect, the player will be told, “That player does not want assistance”, in the upper chat window.

– Spell effects will still play over non-consenting players if heal spells, Fonts of Power or Spheres of Rejuvenation try to affect them.


– To address the issue of players maxing out their completed quest list, we have done two things. First, we have added the ability for players level 26 and over to clear out specific quests from their completed quest list. Currently a selection of quests that fall in the level 1 to 15 range will be cleared with the exception of guild track quests from levels 7 to 50. To clear a quest, speak to one of the “Quest Journalists” scattered throughout the land and they will search through all your completed quests and delete any quest that matches their list of quests and delete them for you. On Gaheris and Mordred, players may speak to any Quest Journalist, not just the one from their realm to have quests deleted.

– The second thing we have done is added a maximum level cap to the level 1-15 quests that can be cleared. The cap is 10 levels over the starting level of the quest. So if a quest can be received at level 15, only players level 15 through 25 can obtain this quest. This will prevent players from repeating quests once they have been deleted from their completed list. The exception to this rule is the level 1 through 4 trainer quests, which have been capped at level 5. These quests do not affect players beginning their guild track quests at level 7. Also, the guild track quests do not have a maximum level cap.

– Please note that this is only for quests you have previously completed. Once they have been cleared, you will not be able to do the quest again. Quests that you still have pending in your journal cannot be cleared by a Quest Journalist. Quest Journalists can be found at the following locations:

Camelot Classic

– Cotswold entrance to Camelot (Albion)

– Humberton entrance to Camelot (Albion)

– Mularn entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)

– Vasudheim entrance to Jordheim (Midgard)

– Mag Mell entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)

– Connacht entrance to Tir na Nog (Hibernia)

Shrouded Isles

– Gothwaite Harbor Portal (Albion)

– Aegirhamn Portal (Midgard)

– Grove of Domnann Portal (Hibernia)

Trials of Atlantis (All Realms)

– Hall of Heroes

– Oceanus Portal in Oceanus Hesperos

– Stygia Haven

– Volcanus Haven

– Aerus Haven


– Recipes have been added to the Hibernia Metalworking that will allow crafters to make trinkets that use strips.

– The rag doll, bedroll pillow, and scarf trinkets will no longer sell back to vendors for 100% return. Instead, the return value on these trinkets should be in line with other trinkets (98% return).

– Clothworking – A new trinket called “ruffled scarf” has been added for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

– Leatherworking – A new trinket called “tooled leather saddlebag” has been added for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

– Metalworking – A new trinket called “gem-studded jewelry box” has been added for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

– Woodworking – A new trinket called “carved souvenir box” has been added for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

– Hibernia Metalworking only – A new trinket called “ornate lantern” has been added for all material levels that uses 10 times the amount of material previous trinkets consumed, at an increased recipe timer.

– Alchemy – Dye Removal Agents for the removal of cloth, leather and enamel dyes have been added at skill level 108.

– Alchemy – Recipe icons for all dyes will now correspond to the inventory icons of dyes.

– Albion Spellcrafting – The recipe icons for the Vacuous Fervor Sigil and the Vacuous Sigil will now match the final product’s inventory icon.

– Midgard Spellcrafting – The recipe icons for the Ashen Primal Rune and Ashen Rune will now match the final product’s inventory icon.

– Hibernia Spellcrafting – The recipe icons for the Light War Spell Stone, Steaming Nature Spell Stone, and Steaming Spell Stone will now match the final product’s inventory icon.


– Potions and poisons now have color-coded inventory and recipe icons.

– For Alchemy potions, the color coding is as follows: Stat buffs – purple bottle; Heal and health regen – red bottle; Endurance heal and endurance regen – green bottle; Power heal and power regen – yellow bottle; Damage shield – orange bottle; Attack speed/haste – blue bottle

– For Poisons, the color coding is as follows: DoTs – black vial; Strength debuffs – blue vial; Snares – orange vial; Diseases – purple vial; Miscellaneous (atk speed debuff, and others) – aqua vial


– The combat styles window, the Spec/Ability window, and the Bank/House Vault window have now been converted to XML.

– The compass can once again be set to fully transparent (0 alpha).


– Custom windows now remember if they are showing or not between zoning.

– The compass window and performance meter windows no longer need to be open for the adapter values to be updated.

– The ‘DontDrawWhenZero’ flag has been added for VerticalStatusBarDefs

– Ten more custom windows have been added, named custom10_window through custom19_window.

– A scalar adapter for combat mode has been added, called “combat_mode”.

– New XML Files – stats_spec_abil_window.xml, stats_combat_window.xml, vault_window.xml, vault_chooser.xml

– Modified XML Files – master_level_window.xml

– As with all updates to our UI modding system, this could cause problems with some custom skins. Any time you experience a user interface problem using a custom UI, please switch back to a prebuilt skin before treating it as a bug.

– We have added a new adapter, “game_time” to use as the current ingame time.


– We have enhanced the ambient sounds in each realm’s capital city.

Midgard Quests

– An End to the Daggers – There was a bug that was causing one of Geyra’s Guards not to follow her. This has been fixed.

– Dark Places of the Soul – Players are now able to trade the Herbalist’s Tunic of Power.

General Monsters

– Rock Giant Shamans now have a higher chance to continue casting while being attacked.

Item Notes

– Items with ablative procs and charges will now have a spell effect and buff icon to indicate when the effect has been triggered.

– The Cath Helm (Hibernia) has had its stat bonus changed from Intelligence to Dexterity.

– The Faded Gloves (Albion) will now have the correct inventory icon.

– Several common loot drops found in Keltoi Fogou have been made stackable by popular demand.

– The Aqueous Vest (Albion) has had its salvage value increased slightly to match vests of similar value.

– Cuuldurach’s Remains, Golestandt’s Remains, and Gjalpinulva’s Remains now have a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.

– The Robes of Ghostly Light (Albion) will now salvage for a more appropriate amount of leather squares.

– The Faded Leggings (Albion) now correctly look like studded armor instead of leather.

– The Ring of False Bravado (Midgard) has been renamed to Bracelet of False Bravado to match the slot in which the item fits.

– The Fuliginous Tiara (all realms) will now salvage for a more appropriate amount of cloth squares.

– (Midgard) The Lashed Web Hauberk’s salvage value has been increased.

– (Hibernia) The Loyalist’s Scalemail Hauberk and Leggings have been slightly renamed to be consistent with the rest of the armor set.

– Snow vendos in Dodens Gruva will no longer drop low level weapons for Albion players.



– Lady Eve will now offer new Paladins a choice of a thrusting one-handed weapon in addition to the slashing and crushing one-handed weapons and the slashing two-handed weapon she already offers.

Hibernia Quests

– Missing Tapestry: Lilerbad’s Beads of Valor have been changed to Lilerbad’s Beads of Parrying. This item will now grant +2 Parry instead of +2 Valor. Blademasters who received Lilerbad’s Beads of Quickness with +2 Stealth can trade them back to Lilerbad for the Lilerbad’s Beads of Parrying.

– The Lost Seed: We have fixed a bug that allowed pure casters to get a second reward from Terod after they completed the quest. Players with the old staff, the Caorrunn Calbh Staff, may still talk to Terod and receive the replacement focus staff.


– The spawn rate of all of the hall guards and patrols has been greatly reduced. This will make it easier to travel throughout Krondon’s caverns to reach the boss encounters.

Item Notes

– The Charmed String Ring (Midgard) has been changed to be equipped in the ring slot as opposed to your jewelry slot.

– All Named drops from Trollheim, Avalon City, and Fomor will now have procs/charges (and weapon effects, where appropriate). This will affect pre-existing items.

– Nesnuir’s Gloves (Midgard) have had the shield bonus changed to a melee haste bonus as no Midgard Studded wearers can spec in shield.

– Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.

– Weapon enamels have been granted a level of 50, so that they may be used in the battlegroup treasure system.

– Selected level 50 and 51 bows found in the Classic and Shrouded Isles zones have been granted offensive procs. For bows selected that already had a charged effect, this change will not be retroactive.

– Balor’s Remains, Xanxicar’s Remains, and Nosdoden’s Remains now have a power level set to 35 for battle group treasury assignment.

– Xanxicar will now drop the appropriate amount of items.



– We have modified the way the Arbiter offers players their Master Level Paths. Previously, when players clicked on the name of the Master Level Path, they would receive a line asking, “are you [sure] you want that path”, or “is that the [course] you wish to take”. These keywords were causing problems for players who had completed ML 1 but hadn’t chosen their path yet and said either of those words around the Arbiters.

– We have removed those two keywords. Now when a player clicks on the name of a Master Level Path (such as Warlord or Battlemaster), a dialog box will pop-up, asking the player if they wish to choose that path. Players must then either click accept (and be set on that path) or decline. When players accept, they will see a message stating that they have been given the Choose Your Path quest and that they have completed this same quest. The quest will then be removed from their completed list. This should help avoid players being given a path by accident rather than by their choice.

Hibernia Remnant Zone

– Shaiee will no longer spawn on top of her tent or in the middle of the ocean. Her adventurous days are over and she has agreed to return to her normal job inside her tent.

Quests – General

– Fruth, in the tents near the Hall of Heroes, needs someone to help him with some errands.

– Verica, in the Ruins of Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

– Oktava, in Ruinerar Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

– Athiela, in Scrios de Atlantis, is seeking assistance in obtaining an item which will help her journey into Atlantis in search of her father.

Oceanus Quests

– Players may now use the Janni Powder to combine their objects for the Naxos Society Quest (level 30-39).

– Stolen History – Champions will now be able to equip the Melos Braided Pearl Necklace. Any Paladin or Champion who received a Melos Knotted Pearl Necklace can return it to Actanei in the Melos Territory in Mesothalassa and receive a Melos Braided Pearl Necklace instead.

– Broken History – Koryna and Oleta will no longer spawn on top of each other.

– Alaeth will now reference a Bunch of Harpy Feathers instead of harpy feathers to avoid confusion among players.

Stygia Quests

– Marauding Bandits – Berserkers may now choose a one- or two- handed sword as part of their reward choices.

Volcanus Quests

– The Great Forge – Sanura can no longer be charmed.

Bounty Quests

– Bounty Quests have been added to the Trials of Atlantis for level 35 to 50 for all three realms. Speak to the residents of the Havens to learn more about these new Bounty Quests.

Oceanus Monsters

– Melos Harpers are now charmable.

Stygia Monsters

– Setian Desert Scouts will now correctly attempt to enter melee combat when interrupted.

Oceanus Encounters

– Due to player feedback, the story encounter, “The Silver Horn”, has had a new function added to it. This function is for groups not wanting to wait for the full time to expire in between tiers of fighters. Players now have the ability to walk up to the Triton Announcer and /say ready. This will send out the next tier of fighters a few seconds later.

– The spell, “Weight of Atlantis”, now has a small damage component. This will cause players picking up the Heavy Strongbox to take damage and be brought into combat mode, losing benefits such as stealth and speedsong.

– The shark, Razorfin, for the Alvarus’ Leggings encounter will now spawn more frequently.

– Players who have the Belt of the Sun or Moon key and did not pick up the belt from the pedestal can return to the islands from which they obtained it. As long as the Belt of the Sun or Moon is not spawned you will be able to “USE” your key and receive the Belt of the Sun or Moon and credit for the respective encounter.

– Battlegroups will now receive credit for killing the Naxos Tidal Lord.

– The Phoebus Harp encounter no longer awards credit to just one player in the group or battlegroup.

– The Raging Tornado had a slight problem in its growth progress. This has been repaired and it is now alive and well.

– Sunkaio in Trial 1.1, “Lucky Survivor”, would incorrectly deathblow some players participating in the encounter. This has been fixed.

– Triton treasure hunters are no longer charmable.

– Triton Shamans and Moughart will now award standard master level experience when killed.

Stygia Encounters

– Fortress of Storms has had its difficulty reduced. We have lowered the total amount of monsters across the board needed to be defeated to complete this encounter.

– Healer’s Embrace – Mesedsubastet now has a much lower chance of being attacked by confused monsters.

– Scarab Wing Vest – Players must now be level 46 to speak to Tey and create the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves.

– Colossal no longer requires players to be level 50 in order to receive credit for successful completion of the encounter.

– The Golden Spear story encounter bosses Landrine, Hounthro and Jomnaer have had an engage radius placed on them. This is to prevent training into the Havens.

– Jamaluddin the Dao will now properly drop the Gem of Absorption upon death.

– Some of the Iaculus in the Stygia zones were incorrectly set to have no aggression, this has been fixed.

– Setian guards now have the appropriate Setian faction settings.

Volcanus Encounters

– The general taur population has been thinned out a bit throughout Typhon’s Reach and Ashen Isles, particularly around bridges and the entrance area to Deep Volcanus. This should allow a single group a fighting chance to make their way into Deep Volcanus.

– The general population taur have had their aggression radius tuned down.

– Erinys Charms – After Samut enters the fray you will now have much more time to do battle with him. Samut’s Charm effect will now always vanish after Samut perishes. Additionally, the charms will remain with Samut until he perishes after the battle begins.

– The story encounter, “A Flask”, has had its difficulty reduced. The aggro range of any Taur checking for the flask carrier has been reduced. The amount of monsters in the area for the encounter has also been reduced.

– The mez spell cast by the Elite Taur Defenders has been changed so it is now on an immunity timer.

– Battler will no longer get stuck when chasing retreating players into the lava in Ashen Isles.

– Encounter 6.1 has been given a new quest name. Rather than completing the ‘Rare Snake Quest’, you will now complete the ‘Hunt for the Haje-Uraei’.

– The story encounter, “Shades of Mist”, would not properly reset in certain situations. This has been fixed.

Aerus Encounters

– The alternate ending to the Cyclops’ Eye encounter has been slightly modified. Where an entire group of Cyclops would previously charge Kertom under certain conditions, now only one brave Cyclops will.

– Kratos has had his roaming area drastically reduced. He will now only roam the general area where he spawns.

– Cyclops’ Eye – A bug has been found and fixed that prevented players from receiving quest credit in some cases when defeating either Kleps or Klops to obtain the Cyclops’ Eye Shield.

– Upon turning in the items to Kratos, all players associated with the battlegroup will receive credit.

– Upon killing Ghita, each player associated with the battlegroup will now receive one token as opposed to a number equivalent to the players in the battlegroup.

– Ibn will no longer get stuck in Whirlwind form. Additionally, we have fixed an issue where Ibn would become unkillable and aggressive before Agne’s Sword was found.

Sobekite Eternal

– Both Chath’s Knight and the player Knight have been modified slightly to have an option for the Diamondback taunting style instead of the Boomslang detaunt style.

– When choosing the Horror encounter, Djedkare will now indicate to players that only 16 people will be rewarded for completing the encounter.

Temple of Twilight

– The non-trial related monsters in the Temple of Twilight will now respawn at a slower rate, allowing players to move through the dungeon with greater ease.

– The majority of the monsters outside of any of the Gorgon temples have had their spawn rate significantly reduced due to player feedback.

– It should now be easier for players to reach the pregnant cobra area of the dungeon. The amount of monsters that need to be killed to reach this area have been reduced.

– Pregnant cobras will now spawn more frequently.

– The Gremna Eel Stomach should now be easier to obtain. The Gremna Eel’s will spawn more frequently and they now have a higher chance to drop the stomach.

– The molded statues and statue sentinels have been changed to always be active. This is to fix the targetting issues and the inability to do damage to these monsters.

– Antioos will only give players the ‘Tasks for Antioos’ quest once now. If players have received the quest more than once, it will be removed from their pending list when they receive credit for killing Medusa.

– We have fixed an issue where Medusa’s temple door would sometimes not properly unlock itself after the encounter was finished.

– Sinovia has been given a ranged Damage Over Time attack to combat targets out of melee combat.

Deep Volcanus

– Players who find themselves dead at the end of any of the four Mediator Challenge encounters will have their corpses ported back to the Mediator that they spoke with to begin the encounter. This will allow players a chance to be resurrected rather than having to /release to bindpoint.

– Trial 7.2, “Know Your Opponent”, has had some changes made to how the faction gaining system works. Now each member in the group will share in an equal amount of faction gain. This should help ensure that support classes will not be left behind in a group.

– Crush weapons will now do more damage to Typhon.

– The monsters used in Trial 7, Encounter 9 to take down the mystical barriers in Typhon’s room have had their level lowered.

– Typhon’s defense has been lowered.

– We have fixed an issue where the Katorii encounter could get stuck if an entire raid were to die or leave the dungeon before killing Katorii.

City of Aerus Encounters

– Generator Operators should be slightly easier to take down before they reach their destination.

– Trial 9.2, “Defeating Lachlen” will now award battlegroup credit as well as single group credit.

– We have fixed a bug that could cause Katri to become unkillable if her personal guard was killed before reinforcements came.


– After a failed attempt at the final encounter, Ladon’s minions will properly reset.

– We have made a change to Draco that will prevent him from despawning during combat.

Artifacts and Researchers

– We have fixed a bug that prevented Scouts from receiving the activated Guard of Valor from the Scholars.

– We have fixed a bug that prevented Friars from receiving the activated Aten’s Shield from the Scholars.

– We have fixed a bug that was causing Mercenaries to receive the large version of Aten’s Shield instead of the medium one. Mercenaries that received the large version will return it to Scholars Ailigean or Leron to receive their medium version.

– Due to a bug previous bug with the maubastet Tey, some players below level 46 were able to acquire (but not activate) the Golden Scarab Vest. Since credit for the encounter is not awarded below level 46 and Tey will only give one pair of Magical Scarab-wing Gloves to each player, these players are now stuck. We have put in a fix for these players so they may activate the Golden Scarab Vest. Players that are stuck may obtain credit for the Scarab Wing Vest encounter by speaking to Tey provided they meet all of these requirements: they have previously completed the Magical Scarab-wing Gloves Quest from Tey, they are now at least level 46, they have neutral faction with the maubastet, they have the Golden Scarab Vest artifact in their inventory, and they have not received credit for the Scarab Wing Vest or its encounter already.

Crocodile’s Tear Ring

– Up until now, the Crocodile’s Tear Ring has been inadvertantly granted to healing classes – the NPC who creates the artifact does not include healing classes in his text dialog, but accepts the artifact pieces anyways. The classes who fall into this category are: Clerics, Friars, Healers, Shaman, Wardens, and Druids. This has led to some balance problems with some healing classes’ spells combined with the level 10 ability of that artifact. Instead of removing the Crocodile Tear Ring totally from these classes, we are giving them the chance of keeping the ring, but the level 10 ability for that artifact will not be available for those classes.

– If you are a Cleric, Friar, Healer, Shaman, Warden or Druid that has already activated the Crocodile’s Tears Ring and no long wish to keep it, you may return it to Scholars Shamira or Khalial in Albion, Loremistresses Margit or Vendela in Midgard, and Sages Linyive or Narvla in Hibernia. They will give the above classes a locked version of the Crocodile’s Tears Ring as well as a copy of Tyrus’ Epic Poem so that they may sell or trade these items. Players may only perform this return once.

Traitor’s Dagger and Crocodile’s Tooth Dagger (Midgard)

– (Midgard) We have added axe versions of both the Traitor’s Dagger and the Crocodile’s Tooth Dagger. Midgard players will now be given a choice of activating these artifacts as a sword weapon or an axe weapon. For players that have already activated either of these artifacts, they may exchange their sword version for an axe version of the artifact. Please note that any levels/experience the artifact has gained will be lost when it is traded in.

– Loremistress Tyraa and Loremaster Torolf will perform the trade-in for the Traitor’s Dagger. Loremaster Trygve and Loremaster Joakim will perform the trade-in for the Crocodile’s Tooth Dagger.

Maddening Scalars Gloves (Midgard)

– We are aware of the fact that some Berserkers and Savages received 0 con/70 dur Gloves when they traded their chain version of the Maddening Scalars Gloves in for studded ones. To help fix the problem, we have set up another trade-in for these two classes. Berserkers and Savages with the bugged Maddening Scalars should return to Loremistress Hetha or Loremistress Marga to exchange their Gloves. This exchange may only be done once and any artifact levels/experience gained with the Gloves will be lost. Players activating the Gloves with this patch will not be able to trade in their gloves later on.

Bracelet of Zo’karat (All Realms)

– We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, although it is intended for pure casters and healing classes only. A requirement has been added to the Bracelet so that only pure casters and healing classes may equip it. Additionally, only pure casters and healing classes may activate this artifact from now on. Any class that had previously activated the Bracelet of Zo’karat and now cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so that they may be traded or sold to another.

Albion – Scholars Margoria or Colene

Midgard – Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf

Hibernia – Sages Darragh or Kelleigh

Traldor’s Oracle (All Realms)

– We have fixed a bug that was allowing all classes to obtain this item, although it is intended for pure casters and Friars only. Any class that previously activated Traldor’s Oracle but cannot use it may return it to one of the following researchers and receive their locked artifact and book back so they may be traded or sold to another. Only pure casters and friars may activate this artifact from now on.

Albion – Scholars Margoria or Colene

Midgard – Loremistress Tyraa or Loremaster Torolf

Hibernia – Sages Darragh or Kelleigh

Aten’s Shield (All Realms)

– We have replaced the Golden Flames proc on Aten’s Shield with a damage shield. The Golden Flames spell was, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give this shield a more appropriate ability.

Artifact Notes

– Trials of Atlantis introduced many new area of effect artifacts and abilities that pulse to players within a certain region. Unfortunately, affecting every player in range has proven to be unbalancing and damaging to the game, in many ways. In 1.68, we are introducing limits to the maximum number of players affected by these artifacts and abilities, to give us a balance point that we can use for these abilities.

– The maximum number of player targets affected by Radiant Aura spells is now capped at twenty.

– The Fountain of Health and Fountain of Power spells on Jacina’s Sash will now affect a maximum of forty players.

– The Celestial Healing and Herbal Regrowth spells on A Healer’s Embrace will now affect a maximum of forty players.

– The Aura of Kings spell on the Spear of Kings will now affect a maximum of twenty players.

– The Zahur’s Aura of Magic spell on the Crown of Zahur will now affect maximum of twenty players.

– The Aura of Magic Power spell on the Cloudsong cloak will now affect a maximum of twenty players.

– Players shapechanged by the Band of Stars will no longer be able to right-click remove the effect.

– The Band of Stars will now correctly cast the shapechange, bolt, and debuff portions of the level ten spell.

– The accuracy bonus for the Skill of the Gladiators spell on Battler has been reduced.

– The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Moon will now be lost when the player logs out or dies during daytime. The weapons will remain if the player dies during the nighttime or zones to a new area.

– The weapons summoned by the Belt of the Sun will now be lost when the player logs out or dies during nighttime. The weapons will remain if the player dies during the daytime or zones to a new area.

– The resist bonuses on the cloth version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) have been raised to 5% to match the other versions.

– The chain version of the Crown of Zahur (Albion) now uses an acuity bonus in place of the piety bonus.

– The Dream Sphere artifact (all 3 realms) has been changed so that it now levels on any mobs killed in ANY Shrouded Isles zone at night.

– The Dream Sphere’s self only shapechange spell will no longer be overwritten by the group version.

– The Inversion spell on Eirene’s Hauberk has been modified. It will now convert half of the spell damage received into healing. The spell is now set to be a reactive proc and will drop after converting one damage spell.

– The reactive proc on Eirene’s Hauberk will now fire correctly during RVR and PVE combat.

– The Ethereal Phoebus Harp can now be equipped in the Ranged slot.

– The Ethereal Phoebus Harp (Hibernia) will now be equipable by Bards and will no longer give the “you have no skill in that weapon” message.

– The Waters of Life spell from A Flask will no longer prevent players from stealthing.

– The Goddess Necklace (all realms) can no longer be held in a weapon slot.

– The Javelins of Flame summoned by the Golden Spear now work as a charged item and will no longer use ground targeting.

– Jacina’s Sash will now earn experience from killing Atlantean cyclops in addition to Atlantean sphinxes and enemies from other realms.

– Weary Explorers now have the correct faction settings to allow Kalare’s Necklace to gain experience off of hunting them. Additionally, Kalare’s Necklace can now earn experience from the following monsters: Lethos the Unifier, Advisor Timanthes, Advisor Zarlanthus, Advisor Gyges, and Advisor Anzelm.

– The Maddening Scalar gloves will now earn experience in the frontier dungeons.

– The Malice weapon proc on the Malice’s Axe artifact has been changed to debuff a percentage of the target’s buffed stats.

– Mariasha’s Sharkskin gloves will now fire both the damage over time and the disease spell correctly.

– Sebak now has an increased chance to drop the Nailah’s Robe artifact.

– Radiant Aura (Crocodile Tear Ring level 10 ability) now only works on players and controlled monsters (pets and charmed monsters). Guards and other realm friends will no longer be affected.

– Radiant Aura will now work on controlled monsters after the first pulse (previously pets would not keep up with Radiant Aura’d speed songs).

– The Scepter’s Boon spell on the Scepter of the Meritorious will no longer be cancelled when pulsing spells are cancelled. It will also no longer be displayed in the Bonuses window.

– Scepter of the Meritorious is now set to the correct duration and the pulsing effect was removed.

– The Traitor’s Dagger now has a higher chance to proc the level five spell. Additionally, the summoned vampiric mist now has an increased chance to cast its lifetap.

– Traldor’s Oracle – The Friar version of this artifact has had the melee haste and style damage each reduced by 1%. The piety bonus has been increased by 3.

– The Harpy Feather Cloak – The melee haste on the cloak has been reduced by 5%. The parry skill bonus has been increased by 1.

– Mariasha’s Sharkskin Gloves – The archery haste and archery range bonuses on the gloves were each reduced by 2%. The slash, crush, thrust, heat, cold, and energy resistance bonuses have been increased by 1% for each.

– Scepter of the Meritorious – The melee damage bonus on the Scepter was reduced by 3%. The strength and dexterity bonuses have been increased by 2.

– Fool’s Bow – The archery haste, archery range and archery damage bonuses on the Bow have been each reduced by 2%. The Dexterity and Quickness bonuses were each increased by 2 and the archery skill bonus was increased by 1.

– Aten’s Shield – The summoned trident of golden flame has had the melee haste bonus reduced by 2%. The hit point bonus has been increased by 8 hit points and the strength bonus has been increased by 4.

– Eirene’s Chest piece – All versions of the chest piece that have Style damage and Melee damage, had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the chest piece that have spell range and spell Damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– The Scorpions Tail – The spell haste bonus on the ring has been reduced by 2%. The power percentage bonus has been increased by 1%, and the armor factor bonus has been increased by 2.

– The Golden Spear – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 1% and the style damage bonus was reduced by 4%. The strength bonus was increased by 2, the dexterity bonus was increased by 2, and the slash, crush, and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 2%.

– Nailah’s Robe / Vest – The spell range and spell damage bonuses were each reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resistance bonus were each increased by 1%.

– Crocodiles Tooth – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the Style damage bonus was reduced by 2% and the Melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The Strength and Dexterity bonuses were each increased by 6.

– Snake charmers Whip – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Snake charmers Greave – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Snake charmers Scythe – The melee haste bonus was reduced by 2%, and the melee damage bonus was reduced by 1%. The heat, cold, energy, matter, body, and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Golden Scarab Vest – All versions of the vest that have archery range and archery damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and thrust resist bonuses were each increased by 1%. Each version of the vest that had the style damage and melee damage bonuses had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The crush and slash resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Battler / Magma Battler – Each version of the Battler / Magma Battler had the melee haste bonus reduced by 2% and the melee damage bonus reduced by 1%. The slash, crush and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

– Bruiser / Magma Bruiser – The versions of Bruiser with melee haste and style damage had each of those bonuses reduced by 1%. The spirit and energy resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%. The remaining versions of Bruiser / Magma Bruiser were unaffected.

– Jacina’s Sash – The spell piercing bonus on the sash was reduced by 1%. The spell duration bonus on the sash was increased by 1%.

– Braggarts Bow – The archery haste bonus was reduced by 3%, the archery damage bonus was reduced by 2%, and the archery range bonus was reduced by 1%. A bow skill bonus of 3 was added.

– Guard of Valor – The damage, range, and haste bonuses were reduced to 4%. Two of the score cap increase bonuses were increased by 1.

– Belt of the Sun – The sun weapons Melee damage, and Style damage bonuses were each reduced by 1%. The sun weapon melee haste bonus was reduced by 5%. The skill bonus was increased by 1 and the strength bonus was increased by 6.

– Belt of the Moon – The Moon weapons had the spell haste bonus reduced by 2%. The power percentage bonus was increased by 1%.

– Phoebus Harp Necklace – The summoned harp had the spell haste bonus reduced by 3%. Matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were added at a 2% value.

– Bracelet of Zo’arkat – The spell range bonus was lowered by 2%. The matter, body and spirit resistance bonuses were each increased by 1%.

Item Notes

– We have fixed some problems where the monsters in Necropolis were not dropping scrolls correctly.

– Loukas’ Journal, Vol. 1 and 2 will now correctly display the partial story when interacted with.

– The Maddening Scalars level ten spell will now correctly shape-change the player and cast the buff spell.

– All weapons summoned by the Crocodile Tooth Dagger will now be the correct level.

– Bence’s Letter, 1 of 3 was dropping from rare and difficult to reach mobs. The scroll has been added to setian sandscryers, setian tremorlings, and setian sandstrutters that are more accessible and common.

– Dream Gem scrolls can now be sold as there is not a corresponding artifact.

– The Ancient Transmuter now sells greater infectious serum instead of greater lethal venom.

– Weapons that are dyable will now display as such in the delve information.

– The blank bonus on Akil’s Fury (Hibernia) has been set to a Dexterity bonus.

– The Empathy bonus on the Whirling Song Leggings (Hibernia) has been replaced with a Charisma bonus.

– The Hammer of the Scaled now has the correct chance to proc as well as a particle effect.

– The Dreadfin Dire Sword now has the correct chance to proc.

– The Oceanus chests will now create appropriate level two-handed axes for Warriors.

– The duplicate Slash Resist bonus on the Worked Wormhide Bracer has been changed to Spirit Resist.

– The Miasmic Sword (Midgard) will now give a bonus to Sword instead of Two-handed.

– The Qebehsenuef’s Leggings of Dread (Midgard) now has a bonus to Piety Cap instead of a bonus to Intelligence Cap.

– The duplicate Strength bonus on the Cudgel of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has been changed to a Constitution Bonus.

– The melee haste bonus on the Lightning Etched Vest (Hibernia) has been changed from 0% to the correct value.

– The Bow of Apollo (Midgard) now grants a bonus to Composite Bow instead of Longbow

– The Runed Wind-wrought Pants (Albion studded) now use enamel dyes instead of leather dyes

– The Gloves of the Cryth (Hibernia) no longer have a requirement for the bonus to healing effectiveness.

– The Mace of the Zenith (Hibernia) will now look like and be wielded as a 1 handed mace.

– The Magus Staff of the Chasm, Magus Staff of the Gale, Magus Staff of the Blaze, and Magus Staff of the Depths can now be recharged.

– The Lightning Etched Studded Vest (Albion) has had its bonus to melee combat speed increased to 5% from 0%.

– Sadri the Traitor (Midgard) will no longer drop staves with bonuses to piercing.

– Hapy’s Jewel of Dread has had its Piety bonus changed to an Acuity stat bonus.

– The Cyclopean Cloud Skewer (Midgard) has had its stats changed to be appropriate for a hunter instead of casters.

– The Echo of Imsety (Stygia) will now drop Scale armor instead of chain for Hibernian players.

– The Hibernian and Midgard versions of the Azar’s Guard shield have had their reactive proc changed to a charged ability to bring them in line with the more useful Albion version. This will affect pre-existing items, but they will start with zero charges and need to be recharged.

– Hapy’s Jewel of Dread (Hibernia) now increases the acuity stat instead of piety.

– Imsety’s Gloves of Dread (Hibernia) now increase intelligence instead of piety.

– The Choker of the Zephyr now increases power percentage in place of a duplicate power cap bonus.

– The Ring of the Deep (quest-related item) now has the proper ring inventory icon.

– The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) will now drop with a slower attack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.

– The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Hibernia and Albion) will now drop with a slower attack speed. The existing versions of this item will not be changed.

– The Mystic Runed Defender (All Realms) and the Golden Runed Defender (Midgard/Hibernia) have had their strength bonuses increased slightly to be more appropriate to the level of the item.

– The Heart of Volcanus named drops will now have the correct 90 second re-use timer and recharge cost for all charged items.

– The Aura of Armoring reactive proc on the Guard of Valor will now stack with all types of armor factor buffs.

– The healing bonus on the Salamander Skin Drum (Albion) has been removed. The remaining magical bonuses have been increased.

– The Corroded Circlet of Sutekh (Midgard) now increases quickness instead of piety, and parry instead of staff.

– The Runemasters Staff of Sand (Midgard) will no longer display two “Usable by” fields.

– The Vest of Reveries (Hibernia) no longer has a requirement associated with its bonus to constitution.

– The Mace of Blood (Hibernia) now has a bonus to Constitution to replace the blank stat bonus.

– Volcanus items will no longer have “vs. mob type” requirements for stat or resistance bonuses.

– The blank resistance bonus on the Enchanted Runed Defender (Albion) has been set to thrusting resistance.

– The Constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Albion) is now correctly set to 15 points.

– The Staff of Blood for all three realms now has a Lifetap charge.

– Naxos’s Tidal Sword (Hibernia) now correctly gives a bonus to large weaponry instead of blades.

– The Storm Struck Bow (Albion) now gives a bonus to Longbow instead of Bow.

– The Thunder Skin drum (Hibernia) is now able to be equipped by Bards.

– The Rod of Kepa (Midgard) is now set to the correct dps.

– The constitution bonus on the Lightning Etched Mail Hauberk (Midgard) is now correctly set to 15.

– The intelligence bonus on the Shadow-bound Pants (Midgard) has been changed to piety.

– The Wind-dance Lute (Hibernia) is now equipable by bards.

– The Belt of the Clouds (All Realms) has had an Arrow Damage bonus added, to bring it to a more appropriate level.

– Azar’s Defense (Albion) will now appear to be a small shield, instead of a studded helm.

– The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack speed. Existing bows will not be changed.

– The Bow of Silent Oblivion (Midgard) will now drop with a slower attack speed. Existing bows will not be changed.

– (Pendragon Only) The Bow of the Whispering Wind (Albion) has been adjusted to be consistent with established bow speeds. This change only applies to newly dropped versions of the bow.

– The Bows of the Blaze (All Realms), Bows of the Chasm (All Realms), and the Bows of the Depths (All Realms) have had their bonuses adjusted to be more beneficial to archers.

– The Magma Infused Defender shield (All Realms) has had its proc changed so that it is triggered when the shield is used as a weapon.

– Abstrusus Gantelet (Albion) now increases piety and dexterity, instead of intelligence and strength.

– Future drops of the Albion caster version of the Storm Struck Staff will drop with the correct magic bonus. This change does not apply retroactively to existing staves, but players with a 0% bonus staff can still have the magic bonus applied by an NPC enchanter.

– The Legs of the Mutilator has had its second bonus to Dexterity changed to Quickness.

– The Conflagrant Short Sword (Albion & Hibernia) and the Conflagrant Hatchet (Midgard) have had their proc damage increased slightly.

– The Voltaic Great Hammer, Voltaic Great Sword, Voltaic War Pick, Voltaic Hooked Spear, and Voltaic Battle Spear have had their proc damage increased slightly.

– Lucky Failm (Hibernia) now increases charisma instead of intelligence.

– Pants of the Transfixer (Hibernia) now increase quickness in place of a second dexterity bonus.

– The particle effect on the Elven Dagger of the Breeze (Hibernia) has been changed to one that should fit the blade better.

– The bonuses on the Call of the Desert Leggings (Skald) have been changed. The casting haste is now melee haste and the heal bonus has been changed to score cap – charisma.

– The Statuesque Eye (all realms) has been adjusted to have the proper amount of imbue points.

Partial List of Item Changes

– The following is a partial list of items changed that had a significant bonus reduction for damage, range, or haste.

– The Shawl of Clouds (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Constitution 15, Spell Damage 2%, Power Cap 10, Matter Resist 6%, Slashing Resist 9%

– The Sash of the Calm (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Dexterity 15, Spell Damage 2%, Armor Factor 16, Spirit Resist 6%, Debuff Bonus 10%

– The Bracer of Snow now (all realms) has the following bonuses: Acuity 24, Spell Range 2%, Casting Haste 2%, Body Resist 9%, Spell Duration 10%

– The Belt of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Melee Damage 2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%

– The Belt of the Zephyr (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Spell Damage 2%, Constitution 22, Energy Resist 8%, Spirit Resist 8%, Body Resist 6%

– The Ring of the Torrent (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Casting Haste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%

– The Cyclone Bracer (all realms)now has the following bonuses: Melee Haste 2%, Crushing Resist 11%, Slashing Resist 10%, Thrusting Resist 10%

– The Ring of the Cyclone (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Acuity 15, Spell Range 2%, Power Percentage 10%, Energy Resist 9%, Hit Points 40

– The Bracelet of the Zephyr (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Spell Range 2%, Dexterity 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%

– The Bracer of Thunder (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage 2%, Strength 18, Matter Resist 8%, Cold Resist 8%, Fire Resist 8%

– The Gem of the Twilight (all realms) now has the following bonuses: Style Damage 2%, Dexterity 16, Body Resist 8%, Envenom skill 4, Hit Points 52

– The Great War Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%

– The Great War Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%

– The Great Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear 3, Hit Points 64, Hits Cap 56, Score Cap: Constitution 6, Melee Damage 2%

– The Ancient Forged Vest (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Left Axe 3, Score Cap: Constitution 8, Score Cap: Dexterity 9, Melee Damage 2%

– The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The War Pick of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Mace of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Crush Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Dagger of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Thrust Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Blade of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Slash Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Chain of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Flexible Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Long Hammer of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Glaive of Detonation (Albion) now has the following bonuses: Melee Skill All 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Hammer of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hammer Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Fang Greave of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Battle Axe of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Axe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Moon Claw of Detonation (Midgard) now has the following bonuses: Hand to Hand Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Great Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Large Weapon Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Spear of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Celtic Spear Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Adze of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Piercing Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Hammer of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blunt Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Blade of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Blades Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%

– The Scythe of Detonation (Hibernia) now has the following bonuses: Scythe Skill 3, Strength 19, Constitution 22, Score Cap: Strength 9, Style Damage 2%


– New Trials of Atlantis bonuses are now available for searches via the Market Explorer.

– We have added ambient sounds to the player housing market areas, stables, and forges.

– Esbeth, the Tailor Tradeskill Master in the Arothi marketplace will now correctly promote players to the next tradeskill level.

– The Bane Merchants and the Potion, Tincture, & Enchantment Vendors now have a random chance of saying their idle chatter to players instead of saying it every time.

Trials of Atlantis Trophies

– Players can now make trophies from 9 final Trial encounter monsters, as well as barracudas from the waters of Atlantis. New taxidermists and apprentice taxidermists have been added to the housing zones in each realm to create the trophies. Speak to the following NPCs in the housing zones to create your trophies for Cetus, the Runihura, Medusa, Martikhoras, Ammut, the Chimera, Typhon, Talos, and the Phoenix. The apprentice taxidermists will create barracuda trophies.

Albion – Ectant Dinailaine, Ilphrae Dinailaine, Jhanva Dinailaine, Airyn Dinailaine, Ybaedric Dinailaine

Midgard – Frolder, Warmir, Hudi, Thieya, Aenda

Hibernia – Sannan, Sabrea, Sionyn, Sadoc, Sioned


– Players on the PvP and PvE servers will now get the option to teleport to all three major Realm Frontier Gates when using the Djinn Stones in Atlantis.

– The Albion Decorator for the Mordred and Gaheris servers will now have a Grandmaster Merchant token available to purchase.

Artifacts and Researchers

– There was a bug that was allowing players on Gaheris and Mordred to turn in certain locked artifacts to other realms’ researchers. Because the researchers are set up to only deal with their realm’s players, they would not accept the completed book from players of other realms. This left these players thinking they were now stuck, their artifact gone, and the activation quest pending. Players in this situation should take their completed book to their realm’s researcher and turn it in to receive their activated artifact. From now on, players on Gaheris and Mordred will only be able to turn in their locked artifacts to their own realm’s researchers.

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