Dark Age of Camelot Roundtable Article

GameZone Online has put together a summary of Mythic’s Rountable event that took place in Las Vegas this past weekend. Here’s a snip about the upcoming Catacombs expansion:

Next the players were treated to a fly-through of the coming expansion for DAoC, Catacombs, which will launch in December. Catacombs represents a major step forward for the massively multiplayer title. While the title will feature new areas to explore, a new storyline which expands the mythos of the world, the expansion also marks a significant graphical upgrade for the title. Not only have the old map areas received an upgrade, but the characters/avatars have been changed and look rather amazing. While DAoC has always been a three-dimensional world, the look of the new avatars is so detailed as to make the existing avatars look somewhat flat and two-dimensional by comparison. Using the new Direct X 9 shaders, the whole game has jumped into the modern era of MMO graphics, and will certainly appeal to old gamers as well as draw in the newer ones who may be enchanted at first, with the eye candy of the game.

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