Dark Age of Camelot: Platinum Edition Review

GameZone Online has tossed up a review of Dark Age of Camelot: Platinum Edition, giving the MMORPG compilation an overall score of 9/10. A snippet:

…the Platinum Edition bundles the original DAoC with its two currently released retail expansions, Shrouded Isles and Trials of Atlantis. Shrouded Isles offers players three new islands (one for each realm), as well as three new races. Trials of Atlantis introduces the advanced Atlantean culture into the mix, having gamers complete the nine trials of Atlantis in order to obtain powerful relics of the advanced culture. Among ToA’s major additions are four new areas to explore (Volcanus, an active volcanic firepit; Stygia, a vast desert; Oceanus, a ocean area; and Aerus, a city in the sky), a new race for each realm, and new modes of transportation, ranging from ferries and boats (which players may eventually purchase on their own in order to explore some of the more hard to reach areas of Atlantis) to sharks (I’m told that there is even a rare apparatus that will transform a player into a shark for a short amount of time.

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