Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs Tour

Warcry recently had the opportunity to take a tour of Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs and has published an article that details what they saw of the expansion. Check it out:

So, with this huge push to have players fight in the underground areas, won’t there be a huge over-camping issue as found in Darkness Falls and other very popular dungeons? Mythic apparently thought of this issue, because the inclusion of instanced dungeons takes direct care of this problem. Instanced dungeons are special dungeons that are created once the player enters the dungeon area. Only the player and members of the player’s group may enter this specific dungeon, making a sort of private dungeon for only the player or the player’s group. This completely takes care of camping issues since no other players are allowed to fight in the particular dungeon. Also, players of any level can enter any instanced dungeon, because the monsters inside the dungeon are created to suit the level of the character, or characters, that enter. In other words, a group of players can now enter a dungeon, and feasibly kill every monster included in that dungeon. This, however, is not really the easiest thing in the world, and the players would have to work very well together to do this, which creates a good, challenging dungeon at any player’s disposal.

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