Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs Preview

IGN PC has put together a two-page preview of Catacombs, based upon what they saw of the Dark Age of Camelot expansion at Mythic’s recent Roundtable event. An excerpt to follow:

Unlike previous upgrades to the game, Catacombs is also geared towards starting new characters. “It’s all-level oriented.” Unlike the last retail expansion, Trials of Atlantis, which focused on the highest-level players, “It has high-level content, but since it has new classes that you have to start out at Level One, we have to support those classes going up in levels.For Albion, we have the Zealot, which is an evil cleric character. For Midgard, we have the Valkyrie, which is a female-only hybrid fighter class, and the Warlock, which is a mage,” with the remaining classes not yet announced. “The reason we have more for Hibernia and Midgard than Albion is that more players tend to play Albion than the other two realms, so we’re trying to incent people to move over to the other realms and play the new characters so it evens it out a little bit. Because, really, it’s not a bad thing for more people to be playing Albion–until you get to RvR. Then, when the Albion army is fifty percent larger than the other two armies, then there’s obvious problems.”

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