Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs Preview

A quick one-page preview of Mythic’s Catacombs expansion for Dark Age of Camelot has been posted over at WorthPlaying. Here’s a bit of what they had to say:

Catacombs brings three new things to Dark Age of Camelot: instanced dungeons, new player and monster models, and a complete re-working of all the structure tiles in the game. Most of the demo was devoted to showing off the new player models, which were very impressive. The existing models in the game have very low poly counts and the face features are just painted on. In Catacombs, the poly count is substantially raised and the facial features are now sculpted. The fingers are now fully articulated, the models (breathe) and look a lot more realistic. The armor models are a lot better now the shoulder plates on plate armor are more articulated and the armor itself has a lot more depth to it. The armor dye system has gotten better as well. If you dye armor in today’s game, it just looks like someone took a can of spray paint to the armor. Now, the dye will largely leave the metal portions of the armor alone, and only dye the webbing underneath.

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