DAoC Updated Review

Evil Avatar’s Elysium has written an updated review of Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot. For the most part, the review does a pretty good job of praising the game’s strong side and pointing out some of the flaws the game possesses. Here’s an excerpt to get you going:

    For what it’s worth, Mythic has been dedicated to updating, enhancing, adding content, brainstorming, listening to players, and delivering productive and meaningful patches. The game that DAoC is building toward truly is a different beast than the lifeless launch world, though it still seems several steps away. Mythic has made serious additions and alterations to every realm, added epic zones, added bosses, added lower level RvR areas, added new skills and abilities such as shapeshifting, added rewards for participating in RvR, added a massive dungeon with a somewhat creative loot system, and been receptive at every turn to suggestion. Clearly Lum the Mad and Sanya the Surprisingly Patient haven’t been sitting on their hands watching Days of Our Lives, but rather putting the work in on a game they obviously believe can be great. And at every turn, the vocal minority of players have taken an attitude with Mythic not unlike that of an angry teething infant.
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